The Sexual Revolutionaries are in an uproar over the Hobby Lobby decision. The idea that anyone anywhere objects to paying for someone else’s contraception for any reason whatsoever is all it takes to be labeled “anti-woman.”
Let’s take a sober-minded look at a serious question: Are contraceptive drugs really pro-woman?
Birth control empowers women the way smoking empowers the Marlboro Man.
A 2012 study[1] of 1.6 million Danish women shows that women who used oral contraceptives at intermediate doses, had a risk of strokes that was 1.3 to 2.3 times as high as the risk among non-users of contraceptives. Meanwhile, the lowest dose oral contraceptives had risks that were .9 to 1.7 times as great. That is to say, the lower doses are safer, but still not risk-free.[2]
Should we be worried? Listen to the chipper reports on this study. An article in Web MD, was entitled, “Heart, Stroke Risk Low
With Birth Control Pills: No-Estrogen and Lowest-Estrogen Contraceptives Safest, Study Finds.”
“Risk today is significantly lower than it was decades ago in the era of high-dose pills,” says University of Copenhagen professor Ojvind Lidegaard, MD, who led the research….In an editorial published with the study, Arizona State University researcher Diana B. Petitti, MD, MPH, writes that the Danish study should reassure women and their doctors about the safety of oral contraceptives.”
Well, perhaps, the risks are lower than they used to be. But still, the risks of strokes are nearly doubled compared with women who did not use oral contraceptives at all. Isn’t that risk worth taking a bit more seriously? Isn’t that reason enough to explore some non-hormonal family planning alternatives?
The Boston Globe continues with the cheerful reporting. The title of its article on this study, was, I’m not making this up, “Birth Read more…