
Archive for the ‘Economics’ Category

Love & Economics: the Basis for the Ruth Institute

July 1st, 2014 Comments off
Dr. Morse's seminal work, Love & Economics

Dr. Morse’s seminal work, Love & Economics

You may not realize this, but Dr. Morse’s book, Love and Economics, is the basis for all of our work here at the Ruth Institute. The story of why she wrote the book is endearing. It’s about the Morse’ four year infertility crisis, Dr. Morse’s return to the Catholic faith, and the “controlled experiment,” that God placed in front of her so that she could understand the precise mechanism of why moms and dads matter to a free society. Watch this video of why she wrote the book–you will laugh and learn something new: Read more…

Spain’s family culture collapses

June 5th, 2014 Comments off


Fewer marriages, broken marriages and the difficulty of reconciling work and family life are leading reasons why the family in Spain is in deep trouble, according to a new report from the Institute for Family Policies (IPFE). The Spanish pro-family organisation says the family in Spain is increasingly one without children and often of lone adults. (The full study can be downloaded at:ña/) Read more…

The marriage gap: where poor Canadians are missing out

March 13th, 2014 Comments off
Anyone concerned about the increasing wealth gap should study marriage figures.

In many of the world’s richer countries policy watchers are concerned about the growing gap between rich and poor. The causes are often traced to taxation and welfare policies. But there is an important cause that is rarely discussed – the marriage gap that has opened up between those at the top of the socio-economic scale and those lower down. Read more…

Categories: Economics, Marriage Tags: ,

Population ageing affects Hong Kong

February 24th, 2014 Comments off

by Marcus Roberts

The debate in Hong Kong on its population policy is continuing. We’ve mentioned it before on this blog, and the debate isn’t dying down at all.   The South China Morning Post continues to debate the options and likely outcomes for a city which has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world.  As the article states, Hong Kong’s population growth is drying up and the population is growing older: Read more…

How Single Motherhood Hurts Kids

February 17th, 2014 Comments off


The last few weeks have brought an unusual convergence of voices from both the center and the left about a topic that is typically part of conservative rhetorical territory: poverty and single-parent families. Just as some conservatives have started talking seriously about rising inequality and stagnant incomes, some liberals have finally begun to admit that our stubbornly high rates of poverty and social and economic immobility are closely entwined with the rise of single motherhood. Read more…

Millenials choose demanding jobs over having kids

January 18th, 2014 Comments off

by Nicole M. King

The News Story – Millennials want children, but they’re not planning on them

In a New York Times blog post this week, Katrina Alcorn highlights an alarming new study revealing that fewer than half of millennials are planning on having children. Read more…

Categories: Children, Economics Tags: ,

The Numbers Don’t Lie: Babies are Blessings for Everyone

December 18th, 2013 Comments off

By Anne Morse and Steven Mosher

$217,000 is a large chunk of change. You could buy a mining ghost town in California, a new Bentley, or the designer wedding dress of Princess Marie-Chantal for that amount of money. $217,000 also happens to be the net financial benefit to society if you become a parent, according to a recent study by Lee et al. Read more…

The economic benefits of childbearing

December 9th, 2013 Comments off

by Nicole M. King

The News Story – U.S. pregnancy rates slide, near record lows

Evidence continues to mount that the American birthrate is taking a precipitous downward slide.  Reports the Washington Post, “The National Center for Health Statistics said the pregnancy rate of 102 pregnancies out of every 1,000 women is 12 percent below the 1990 peak of about 116 per 1,000. Only once in the past 30 years, 1997, has it been lower…” Read more…

South Korean women say no to babies

November 13th, 2013 Comments off

by Shannon Roberts

Despite enticing incentives from the government, South Korean women struggle with the choice to leave their careers to raise children.  The modern South Korean woman is ambitious.  She has worked hard for her career and is hesitant to give it up.  Although it is probably what her mother did as her sole occupation, for some being at home now seems mundane in comparison to the many goals and promises that a career provides. Read more…

Marriage and abortion are economic issues

October 28th, 2013 Comments off

by Star Parker

Clearly it’s impossible to separate marriage, children and abortion from our overall economic picture. These factors are at the root of the economic picture.

Political discussions commonly assume there are two separate sets of issues.

There’s a social agenda — issues like abortion and marriage. And there’s an economic agenda — issues like federal spending, debt, taxes, and government programs like entitlements. Read more…