
Archive for the ‘gay lobby’ Category

Officer says he didn’t refuse to work pride parade

June 17th, 2014 Comments off

By BRADY McCOMBS-Associated Press

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) – The attorney for a Salt Lake City police officer who was placed on leave for refusing an assignment to work a gay pride parade last weekend said Monday that his client has been defamed by inaccurate comments made by the police department. Read more…

Categories: gay lobby Tags:

Gay agenda creeping into all curriculum

May 29th, 2014 Comments off

by Bob Kellogg

At their annual conference in Boston, LGBT teachers and homosexual activists revealed their continuing plans to push the gay agenda even further into schools. Read more…

Categories: Children, gay lobby Tags: ,

‘Whoops’ not enough after students shown homosexual propaganda

May 29th, 2014 Comments off

by Bob Kellogg

The superintendent of a Wisconsin public school district has apologized after high school students were shown a video that promotes same-sex marriage. Read more…

The Equality Battering Ram

April 4th, 2014 Comments off

Brendan Eich has just resigned as CEO of Mozilla, maker of one of the most popular web browsers. He made a $1,000 donation to Proposition 8, back in 2008, an insubstantial sum really, to a campaign that is 6 years old. The Gay Lobby, the current shock troops of the Sexual Revolution,  demanded his resignation, or a show trial in which he repudiates his actions, or preferably, both. 

Listen to this short statement from one of the principals in the dispute, Geoffrey MacDougall, the Head of Development for Mozilla.  He pitches this as a conflict of rights, without taking sides as to which right should predominate. Read more…

‘Gays’ Admit ENDA game: Outlaw Christian Morality

November 13th, 2013 Comments off

by J. Matt Barber

The religious liberty death spiral continues.

One of the most dangerous and discriminatory pieces of legislation in modern times – the ironically tagged “Employment Non-Discrimination Act,” or ENDA – passed the U.S. Senate on Thursday by a vote of 64-32. Ten Republicans disgracefully joined liberal Democrats in this effort to ultimately outlaw the Judeo-Christian sexual ethic. Read more…

Sexual Radicalism: Imperial Project, Global Goliath

November 2nd, 2013 Comments off

by Robert Oscar Lopez

October 28th, 2013

While US conservatives are distracted by internal debates, the wealthy and powerful international movement for LGBT rights is aggressively targeting nations that are poorer and less powerful.

Speaking before the United Nations earlier this month–bragging about American leadership in a global movement to normalize homosexuality, same-sex marriage, artificial reproductive technology, and cross-dressing–John Kerry revealed the deep pockets and loaded guns that the world’s only superpower can count on to bring such ideas to nations that have religious or cultural objections: Read more…

Three-Parent Families—the Gay Agenda’s Trojan Horse—Legalized in California

November 1st, 2013 Comments off

from The Christian Institute. An interview, including of Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

This article was originally published October 15th, 2013, at

Children in California will be able to legally have three parents under a new law that critics have branded a “Trojan horse for the same-sex marriage agenda.”

The new legislation is designed to cover situations in which same-sex couples have a child with an opposite-sex biological parent. Read more…

Come Out and Celebrate?

October 18th, 2013 Comments off
by  , a Ruth Institute “It Takes a Family” 2013 alumnus

National Coming Out Day’s emphasis on “celebrating” students’ self-identification as LGBT undermines Notre Dame’s pastoral responsibility to help students develop an integrated sexual identity and a true understanding of human dignity. Read more…

Ousted broadcaster: Time for Christians to shine light on the darkness

September 26th, 2013 Comments off

by Chris Woodward

Former athlete-turned-senate candidate and TV commentator Craig James says he’s not going to be quiet about his dismissal from Fox Sports Southwest.

The NFL Pro Bowler was hired recently by Fox Sports Southwest as a college football analyst but in short order was given the boot – not because of a bad job, but because Fox Sports stated his views, which reflect traditional biblical belief, clashed with the network’s human resources policy. Read more…

Categories: gay lobby Tags:

Will Library Association include ex-gay titles for Banned Books Week?

September 25th, 2013 Comments off

by Charlie Butts

An organization is asking the American Library Association to stop banning banned books that deal with leaving the homosexual lifestyle.

The American Library Association conducts Banned Books Week to protest books that have been removed from library shelves claiming censorship. The dates this year are from October 22 to 28. Read more…