
Archive for the ‘Health Care’ Category

Hundreds of Catholic employers win exemption from HHS mandate

June 6th, 2014 Comments off

.- A federal court has ruled that the Catholic Benefits Association and its hundreds of employer members are exempt from a federal mandate requiring coverage of contraceptives and abortifacient drugs. Read more…

Obamacare’s hidden marriage penalty

June 6th, 2014 Comments off


The News Story – The hidden marriage penalty in Obamacare

While intending to provide universal healthcare coverage to all Americans, Obamacare may have unexpected penalties, making it harder for some to obtain health insurance. In particular, married couples at the middle and lower end of the income scale might have to pay more than their unmarried counterparts, when it comes to purchasing health insurance. Read more…

If you like your religion, you can keep your religion

January 28th, 2014 Comments off
Why does the Obama administration think that providing contraception is more important than religious freedom?

As we all know now, when President Obama repeatedly preached the tenet, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” what he really meant was that you could keep your insurance, not if you liked it, but if he liked it. Since then thousands of Americans have discovered that the insurance they liked did not meet Obamacare standards and so they got dumped from their plans and redirected toward the glitchy and hackable government website to choose president-approved healthcare. Read more…

Quick update as we head into SCOTUS

January 18th, 2014 Comments off

from Helen Alvare

The Supreme Court will soon hear two religious, for-profit businesses’ challenges to the Mandate. I’ll be filing an amicus (“friend of the court”) brief on behalf of WSFT so we’ll all be represented before the Court!  I’ll share it when I’m finished, but in brief, it argues that the government has never demonstrated the “compelling state interest” that the law requires before it is permitted to burden religion. This argument takes me through our evidence on the increased rates of abortions and nonmarital and intended births since the government got heavily involved in contraception distribution. My time is donated, but it will cost about three thousand dollars to file the brief. Can you help with that?  After filing, I’ll try to get our argument as widely heard as I can in popular sources.   Read more…

Little Sisters vs. big government

January 10th, 2014 Comments off

As they say in politics, the optics are bad in this one.

A legal expert on my radio show this week said their firm, extensively involved in lawsuits against the administration’s HHS mandate, said they were frankly surprised that the administration continued to push forward on the unprecedented mandate after the 2012 election at all, much less pushing it vigorously and committing teams of lawyers to defending it in courts across the country in 91 different lawsuits representing institutions, corporations, small business owners and individuals. But they have. Read more…

Federal Judge Calls Obamacare “Totally Ineffective” While Striking Down Contraception Mandate

December 18th, 2013 Comments off

by Conn Carroll

Yesterday, Judge Brian Cogan of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, not only struck down Obamacare’s contraception mandate as applied to religious non-profit organizations, but also sent a strong signal that federal courts were losing patience with President Obama’s many stitches of executive power. Read more…

HHS mandate, the other Obamacare problem

November 21st, 2013 Comments off

The general public and the media are finally dealing with the reality of Obamacare. Great numbers of Americans have a nearly two year jump on that process.

To recap what many people probably forgot, the infamous HHS mandate was announced in January 2012, a throwdown to faith based institutions and employers requiring them to either violate their consciences or pay a prohibitive penalty. It signaled the government’s disregard for Constitutional and federal law protecting religious freedom rights. And it triggered an almost immediate response of legal challenges to the administrations’ audacious breach of those rights. Read more…

Waiting for the Supreme Court to rescue religious freedom

November 13th, 2013 Comments off
Business owners fighting Obamacare’s contraceptive mandate heard some good news last week.
by Dwight G. Duncan

Last Friday, November 1, the Federal appeals court in Washington DC ruled 2-1 that the so-called contraceptive mandate, a regulation under Obama’s Affordable Care Act that requires employers over a certain size to provide insurance for free contraceptives, morning-after pills, and sterilization, most likely violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Read more…

Married Couple Considers Divorce to Save Money on Obamacare

November 13th, 2013 Comments off

by Mary Chastain

Nona Willis-Aronoqitz, 29, and Aaron Cassara, 32, are full-time freelancers and earn more than $62,000 a year, which means they do not qualify for the subsidies under Obamacare. The couple realized, however, they would be able to afford the plans if they divorceRead more…

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United States Appeals Hobby Lobby Decision to Supreme Court

October 1st, 2013 Comments off

Washington, D.C. — The United States government asked the U.S. Supreme Court to take the Hobby Lobby case to determine whether the Green family will be required to provide and pay for life-terminating drugs and devices in violation of their religious beliefs. The government’s appeal makes it highly likely that the Supreme Court will decide the issue in the upcoming term. Read more…