
Archive for the ‘motherhood’ Category

Maybe childbearing will be outsourced?

June 27th, 2014 Comments off

Found this on Twitter today. Question: if there are really no gender roles, who will bear the children? Maybe that will be outsourced?


who will bear the children

If there are no gender roles, who bears the children?


Men and women are different. You can learn more about why men and women are different by ordering our brochure, “77 Non Religious Reasons to Support Man/Woman Marriage.” It’s available as a PDF download, as well as a physical brochure. Learn how to counter the lies of the Sexual Revolution and order the brochure today.

Motherhood and abortion

May 13th, 2014 Comments off


Some headlines, over and beyond Mother’s Day weekend.

New York Post editor William McGurn captured a lot here.

Mother’s Day is a good day in our house, partly because of the general bonhomie that links us with the many moms in our lives. There’s my wife, the mother of my children. There’s also her mother and my mother, both still with us and adored by their grandchildren. Read more…

Categories: Abortion, motherhood Tags: ,

Homemakers are happier

March 10th, 2014 Comments off

by Nicole M. King

The News Story – Biden’s politically incorrect – but correct – assumptions

Joe Biden infuriated feminists this week when, in an appearance on The View, he touted the Affordable Care Act as a way for women to forego a career and stay home with their children. Read more…

Categories: motherhood Tags:

Mothering in the work-life balancing act

February 21st, 2014 Comments off

by Joanna Roughton

Recently the UK Department for Education – not always a friend of the family – published a big study it had commissioned. The research examined the attitudes of working mothers.

Few areas of home life excite so much controversy and strength of feeling. So this is an area of debate where data, hard facts and the empirical experience of real people carry particular force. Read more…

Categories: motherhood Tags:

Book Review: The Big Lie

January 24th, 2014 Comments off
Click to visit the original postFound this originally here. It amazingly speaks to what we’re dealing with at our “Healing the 21st Century Family” conference/retreat: the heart-broken career woman who was told she should “have it all” by putting off child-bearing. Now when she’s finally ready to be a mother, it’s too late. Is this you as well? Come to our conference. Find help, consolation from others like you, and healing!

A review copy of Tanya Selvaratnam’s new book,  arrived in the mail a few weeks ago, and I have to admit, I was curious from the get go. There’s no big secret that motherhood and feminism have an interesting relationship (to say the least). Read more…

Who should care for our kids?

May 29th, 2013 Comments off

by Tamara Rajakariar

Seventy-six percent of Canadians believe it is best for children under six to be cared for at home by a parent, according to a poll released today by the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada. These results are consistent regardless of age, income, gender and working status. When parents are unable to be at home, Canadians choose options that most closely replicate the home environment such as a relative or a neighbourhood home day-care. Read more…

Housewife revival is not such a bad thing

May 23rd, 2013 Comments off

by Clare Horsfall

“Why are smart women swapping boardrooms for bunting and bake-offs?” was the question posed in a recent Herald article by Alexandra Carlton.

Carlton went on to explain that to the dismay of many a hard-core feminist, educated women are deciding to leave their high-powered jobs to be homemakers and care for their young children. This new and somewhat unexpected generation of “yummy mummies” think it a noble job (worthy of an intelligent and educated person), and are even finding themselves rather fulfilled. Read more…

Chile and Ireland, where motherhood really is safe

March 22nd, 2013 Comments off

by Elard Koch

What makes these two countries so similar in matters of maternal health and abortion?

What makes Chile and Ireland similar countries in matters of maternal health and abortion? In September 2012 I had the invaluable opportunity to participate as a member of the Committee on Excellence in Maternal Healthcare, convened in Dublin to analyze the experience of Ireland, Chile, and other countries with a high standard in maternal health around the world. The meeting was crowned with the Declaration of Dublin. Read more…

How do American moms feel about working outside the home?

September 28th, 2012 Comments off

by Carolyn Moynihan

Re-posted from the latest Family In America newsletter:

A recent survey hosted by ForbesWoman and attempts to capture how American women feel about the economy and working outside the home. It found that working moms are, in general, “an unhappy lot,” further supporting the fact that men and women are not interchangeable cogs in the employment and domestic worlds. Read more…

Executive errors

April 25th, 2012 Comments off

by Carolyn Moynihan

Business Insider presents quotesfrom 22 executives admitting the biggest mistakes they have ever made. This one is from Carol Bartz, former president and CEO of Yahoo:

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes. There isn’t one that stands out. I make mistakes every week, every month, every year.

“I would say. . . I actually wish I had started having children younger. I was 40 when I had my daughter. And I wish I would have started that younger so I could have had more children.” Read more…