
Archive for the ‘NOM Summer Marriage Tour 2010’ Category

Pro-Life Flash Mob in Chicago Surprises “Walk for Choice”

February 28th, 2011 14 comments

You have to see this. (Be sure to watch the video.)

The question at the end of’s article says it all: “Which side has more joy?

(For the storm troopers who besieged NOM’s Summer for Marriage Tour at every stop last July and August: This is how to do a counter demonstration people! Don’t intimidate, be non-threatening, don’t charge the opposing rally’s stage, stand off and respect the other assembly’s right to free speech, and above all else, do it with joy – not hatred.)

By the way: Did you notice how young the overwhelming majority of the Pro-Life demonstrators were? They are the future, my friends.

You can watch additional videos here.

Revisiting the Iowa case, for the benefit of G-A-Y

Welcome readers from the Good As You site. I just wanted to clarify for all of you the fact that I have indeed read the Iowa decision, Varnum v Brien. I believe it was wrongly decided and poorly argued. I have written about it in two separate places, which are now posted on the Ruth Institute article archive. The Institution Formerly Known as Marriage argued that the Iowa court ignored the essential public purpose of marriage, namely to attach mothers and fathers to their children and to one another, and replaced that essential public purpose with inessential private purposes. I made that argument in my talk in Augusta ME on the bus tour.

In How Iowa Happened, I reviewed some of the behavior of the Court that undermine their own credibility. Read more…

“Summer of Marriage” rally in Annapolis, MD

July 29th, 2010 Comments off

(July 21, 2010) We’ve already podcasted Dr J’s talk from this rally, “It Takes a lot of Faith to Believe in Same-Sex Marriage.”  She also recorded two of the other speakers.  Bishop Harry Jackson and Pastor Derek McCoy both discussed the importance of the vote in the defense of traditional marriage.

To date, 31 states have voted to define marriage as occurring between one man and one woman.  Maine overturned same-sex marriage by People’s Veto, and all the states that have enacted same-sex marriage have done so through the courts (Vermont used its legislature as well).

Bishop Harry Jackson

Pastor Derek McCoy

NOM’s Summer of Marriage rally: Trenton, New Jersey

July 28th, 2010 Comments off

(July 20, 2010) We’ve already podcasted Dr J’s talk from this rally, “Why Not Privatize Marriage?”  She also recorded two of the other speakers.  Bishop John Smith, the ninth bishop of Trenton, discussed how marriage compliments the uniqueness of men and women.  Jim White, former Supreme Director of the Knights of Columbus, encouraged civic participation and accountability of government officials.

Bishop John Smith

Jim White

NOM Summer Marriage Tour

July 27th, 2010 Comments off

(July 21, 2010) This podcast is a rebroadcast of Family New in Focus’s coverage of NOM’s bus stops in Rhode Island and Annapolis.  The original is available here; listen below or on our podcast page.

NOM Summer Marriage Tour

It Takes a lot of Faith to Believe in Same-Sex Marriage

July 27th, 2010 6 comments

(July 21, 2010) Though NOM’s Summer Marriage Tour continues through August 15, Annapolis, Maryland is Dr J’s last stop.  Her final talk is entitled “It Takes a lot of Faith to Believe in Same-Sex Marriage.”  Listen below or at our podcast page.

Annapolis, Maryland


July 23rd, 2010 14 comments

Dr J updates Todd’s listeners at Issues, Etc. on the progress of NOM’s Summer Marriage Tour–especially the intolerance they experienced in Providence, Rhode Island when a well-organized group of same-sex “marriage” supporters tried to shout them down (as well as intimidating and threatening the listeners).  They also discuss a settlement in Mississippi, where a school student wants to bring a same-sex date to prom.


Chris Plante and Brian Brown at Providence’s Summer of Marriage rally

July 23rd, 2010 Comments off

Chris Plante, president of NOM’s Rhode Island Chapter, and Brian Brown, president of NOM, were also at Providence’s “Summer of Marriage” rally with Dr J (see “The Problem(s) with Same-Sex Marriage, Part 2”).  The shouting and chanting you hear are the rainbow protestors, who also attended the rally.  We also have a few other reports of how they tried to disrupt the rally (, here, , here & here, here, and here) as well as audio and video (, here, here, and here).  Much of this is on our blog, too.

Plante & Brown

Father John Codega at Providence’s Summer of Marriage rally

July 22nd, 2010 Comments off

Father John Codega, priest in the diocese of Providence and advisory board member to Rhode Island’s chapter of the National Organization for Marriage, was also at Providence’s “Summer of Marriage” rally on July 18 with Dr J (see “The Problem(s) with Same-Sex Marriage, Part 2”).  The shouting and chanting you hear are the rainbow protestors, who also attended the rally.  We also have a few other reports of how they tried to disrupt the rally (, here, , here & here, here, and here) as well as audio and video (, here, here, and here).  Much of this is also on our blog.

Father John Codega

Scott Spear at Providence’s Summer of Marriage rally

July 22nd, 2010 Comments off

Scott Spear, advisory board member to Rhode Island’s chapter of the National Organization for Marriage, was also at Providence’s “Summer of Marriage” rally on July 18 with Dr J (see “The Problem(s) with Same-Sex Marriage, Part 2”).  The shouting and chanting you hear are the rainbow protestors, who also attended the rally.  We also have a few other reports of how they tried to disrupt the rally (, here, , here & here, here, and here) as well as audio and video (, here, here, and here).  Much of this is also on our blog.

Scott Spear