
Posts Tagged ‘babies’

Children of Divorce and the Holidays: a Stressful Time

December 2nd, 2014 Comments off

InequalityDo you know a child of divorce? Maybe you are divorced and you have children. Maybe you have a young relative or a young neighbor whose parents are divorced. Maybe your child has a friend whose parents are divorced. The holidays can be stressful and chaotic for a young person who must navigate between the two–often shockingly different–worlds of their parents. As a child of divorce myself, I thought it might be helpful to share some thoughts so that readers can understand what these children go through during the holidays.

Sometimes holiday stress can manifest in anger, combativeness, tears, sadness, stubbornness, withdrawal… all of which may seem inappropriate or unjustified to an untrained observer. People might wonder, “Why is this child acting out?”  If you know a child of divorce, please be sensitive to their feelings during the holidays. The holidays may serve as a magnifying glass as to how broken their family feels to them. For example, they might feel very divided. They might not know how to talk about the division they feel. Whether real or imagined, they might not feel like they have permission to talk about it. In point of fact, they might not have permission to talk about it.

Here are some situations that the child of divorce must navigate every holiday season: Read more…

Categories: Children, Divorce Tags: , ,

Why Normal People Should Care About “Baby Busts”

June 12th, 2014 Comments off

by Anne Morse, Media Coordinator for the Population Research Institute.

This article was first published at on June 11, 2014.

Long, long ago, when Anne’s parents were in college (sorry, mom and dad), demographers made an observation: they saw that for most of human history, even though couples were having far more than two children, mortality was also very high. The result was that populations either stayed the same or grew very slowly. Read more…

Children of our God complex

May 13th, 2014 Comments off

by Lise Ravary, National Post

So soon after the secular charter debate, Quebec is now tearing itself apart over taxpayer-funded fertility treatments for surrogate mothers acting on behalf of male same-sex couples. Like the charter debate, this one is also a multilayered cake of rights. Gay rights, parents’ rights, donor rights, women’s rights, taxpayers’ rights. Read more…

It’s Down Syndrome Day, but for how long?

March 22nd, 2014 Comments off
We interview a doctor with a passion to serve people with Down – even before they are born.

Brian Skotko and Carolyn Moynihan

On World Down Syndrome Day (March 21) whom better to tune into than Brian Skotko, an American geneticist and paediatrician who has dedicated his professional career to service of people with Down and their families? Those people include his own younger sister, Kristin, of whom he said in a recent interview with Science magazine: Read more…

USA’s childless women

January 28th, 2014 Comments off
U.S. women are not having as many children because they put off child-bearing until it was too late? Is this you? Are you disappointed? Do you need healing? Is this someone you know? Do you want to learn how you can help people like this? Come to the “Healing the 21st Century Family” conference on Feb. 15 in San Diego. Click here for more information.

The story of changing fertility and demographic structures is continuing to gain media attention in the US. The Pew Research centre has crunched the numbers from a recent UN report, the World Fertility Report 2012.    Read more…

Chief medical officer warns British women

January 24th, 2014 Comments off

This article details the “heart-broken career woman”: of the groups we are ministering to at our “Healing the 21st Century Family” conference/retreat in San Diego on Feb. 15!

by Shannon Roberts

The British government’s chief medical officer has recently warned women that they may remain childless if they leave having children too late, once again stirring the debate about the rising age of mothers.  It is a sign of the times that her realistic and purely scientific observation caused outrage among many women.  ‘How dare she tell us that we should be having children?’ was the reaction of many.  Have we really become that disconnected from the facts of life and raising a family? Read more…

More governments are worried about fertility rates

January 18th, 2014 Comments off

by Shannon Roberts

A recent United Nations fertility report collates some interesting statistics about the fertility of the world as a whole.  Put simply, – and no surprises here – it finds that the developed world is not reproducing at the rate necessary to ensure the replacement of generations.   Read more…

Why the baby kidnapper shouldn’t die

January 15th, 2014 Comments off

by Anne Roback Morse

An obstetrician in the Shaanxi province of China was sentenced to death for child trafficking this week. The 55 year old woman repeatedly told her patients that their new born infant was either deformed or sick. She persuaded the new parents to give up their children for adoption. Instead of adoption, however, the infants were sold to human traffickers for profit.  Doctor Zhang Shuxia pleaded guilty to selling seven children, but she remains the prime suspect in over 20 cases of missing children in the province. Five other employees at the hospital were arrested as accomplices. This recent case of Doctor Shuxia is a result of the two great disasters caused by China’s birth control policy: the moral and the demographic. Read more…

South Korean women say no to babies

November 13th, 2013 Comments off

by Shannon Roberts

Despite enticing incentives from the government, South Korean women struggle with the choice to leave their careers to raise children.  The modern South Korean woman is ambitious.  She has worked hard for her career and is hesitant to give it up.  Although it is probably what her mother did as her sole occupation, for some being at home now seems mundane in comparison to the many goals and promises that a career provides. Read more…

Profound wonder is the way to welcome babies with fatal conditions

October 30th, 2013 Comments off
Twenty reasons to think twice about aborting a baby with anencephaly

A woman who is carrying twin girls with a fatal foetal abnormality has appealed to the Northern Ireland Minister for Health Edwin Poots to allow her have an abortion in Northern Ireland.

The woman, known as Laura, who is almost 22 weeks pregnant, said she was very recently informed that her babies have anencephaly and had no chance of survival. She is now arranging to travel to England for an abortion. Read more…

Categories: Abortion, Babies Tags: ,