
Posts Tagged ‘birth control’

The ambiguous legacy of The Pill

December 3rd, 2014 Comments off

Contraceptives didn’t solve all of women’s problems. In fact, they created whole series of new ones.

by Jennifer Roback Morse

This article was first published at on December 3, 2014.

I am in the process of writing a book which argues that the Sexual Revolution has been a rich person’s hobby horse from the beginning. The rich and powerful like the idea of separating sex from child-bearing. While this idea is sometimes wrapped up in a disguise of helping woman and the poor, the fact remains that the rich and powerful pioneered and implemented these ideas, quite often at the expense of women and the poor. Read more…

Pope Still Catholic: Francis to Beatify Paul VI!

October 17th, 2014 Comments off

Ok, everyone, listen up.  There is no longer any doubt: Pope Francis is definitely Catholic! And completely orthodox on sexual morality!  At the end of the Synod, he will beatify Pope Paul VI, author of Humanae Vitae.  This action leaves no doubt at all where the Holy Father stands.  He absolutely does not have to beatify Paul VI. His doing so will be a major-league thorn in the side to the self-styled “progressives” and “reformers.” He is “sealing the deal” on Church teaching on contraception by beatifying Paul VI.

Besides all that, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI attended the ceremony.  The liberal world loves to hate Benedict, and has tried to create a “narrative” which opposes the “good guy” Francis to the “bad guy” Benedict. Actually, they are on the same team.  They may be playing “good cop, bad cop” as a strategy, as parents must sometimes do with recalcitrant children.  But there is no doubt at all that these Holy Fathers are united.  Paul VI

People, do not allow yourself to be triangulated by media games pitting Pope Emeritus against the current Pope.  Do not allow yourself to be sucked into the liberal spin machine vortex, by repeating their narrative.  They have enough outlets for telling their story, don’t you think?

Get behind Pope Francis. Spread this word as far as you can, in as positive a manner as you can. Church teaching is not changing. We still believe that human sexuality is a great gift from God, that it is deeply meaningful, and that we are not to demean that act by deliberately separating the unitive and the procreative aspects of the sexual act.

Thank the Father, Son and Holy Spirit that we will continue to witness to this beautiful truth, when all the world is teaching the opposite: “A good society must strive to separate sex from procreation and both from marriage. Sex has no intrinsic meaning, only the meaning we happen to assign to it. We ourselves are nothing but meaningless atoms, bumping into each other at random in the cosmos, for no particular reason at all.”

If you have a Facebook page, you are a member of the New Media. If you have a blog, you are a member of the New Media. Use your microphone to make it clear: the Catholic Church will not be changing its doctrine on sexual morality.  If Francis had plans to do so, there is simply no way he would even mention the prophetic voice of Paul VI, much less take steps to canonize him.

BTW, if you are not sure whether Paul VI was prophetic, read paragraph 17 of Humanae Vitae.  Think about the “one child” policy in China, and realize that Paul VI predicted this type of human rights abuse in 1968.

If this post is helpful to you, please “like” the And spread the word!

Why Normal People Should Care About “Baby Busts”

June 12th, 2014 Comments off

by Anne Morse, Media Coordinator for the Population Research Institute.

This article was first published at on June 11, 2014.

Long, long ago, when Anne’s parents were in college (sorry, mom and dad), demographers made an observation: they saw that for most of human history, even though couples were having far more than two children, mortality was also very high. The result was that populations either stayed the same or grew very slowly. Read more…

Clinic to kids: ‘Sex is fun … we’re here to help’

May 26th, 2014 Comments off

by Charlie Butts

A federally funded children’s hospital in Colorado is providing underage children free birth control, the “morning-after” pill, and even intrauterine devices – and under the law, parents don’t have to know about it.

Bob Enyart of Colorado Right to Life tells OneNewsNow the situation is really out of control. “Children’s Hospital Colorado [through a clinic in Colorado Springs] is giving medical treatment to children as young as 12 years of age – and that includes an abortifacient pill called Plan B, the morning-after pill,” he details. He adds the treatment includes providing the girls IUDs if they walk into the BC4U clinic. Read more…

On birth control women do not speak with one voice

April 2nd, 2014 Comments off

An important religious freedom case in the US Supreme Court last week had women’s groups of opposing persuasions standing outside in the sleet, brandishing banners and addressing anyone who would listen.

Part of President Obama’s health reform orders all employers except traditional religious congregations to include in their employee health insurance plans coverage of the full cost of contraceptives, including those which can cause an early abortion – or pay a fine, or restructure their business in a such way that they could be, technically, disconnected from the content of health insurance. Read more…

Entrenching a ‘duty to do wrong’ in medicine

March 28th, 2014 Comments off
Canadian government is funding a project to suppress freedom of conscience and religion

A 25-year-old woman who went to an Ottawa walk-in clinic for a birth control prescription was told that the physician offered only Natural Family Planning and did not prescribe or refer for contraceptives or related services. She was given a letter explaining that his practice reflected his “medical judgment” and “professional ethical concerns and religious values.” Read more…

Does having a conscience make a doctor unprofessional?

March 6th, 2014 Comments off
An Ottawa woman created a social media storm after her doctor refused to prescribe contraceptives for her.

On the morning of January 29 this year, a 25-year-old married woman went to Care-Medics Medical Centres in Ottawa, a walk-in clinic that she claims she had frequented for about two years. She wanted a prescription for birth control pills. Read more…

The economics of sex

February 27th, 2014 Comments off


by Tamara Rajakariar

Ever wonder why men seem to make less effort to pursue women, there are more break-ups and premarital partners, and marriages are later and less often? It’s all about the economics of sex – the demand, the supply and the cost. Oh, and the impact of the invention of the contraception pill. Read more…

The honest truth about breast cancer

January 10th, 2014 Comments off

by Louise Kirk

I thought I might have it, judging by a headline this week. “Higher breast cancer risk in white women ‘is due to lifestyle’”, proclaimed The Times. The paper was quoting research from the University of Oxford which has found that South Asian women are 18 per cent and black women 15 per cent less likely to acquire the disease than white women, findings representing data taken from a million UK women over the age of 50. Read more…

Sweetening the pill

October 16th, 2013 Comments off
A young woman dissolves the sugar coating on the contraceptive pill and exposes its harmful, anti-woman core.

Holly Grigg-Spall is a young woman who calls herself a feminist but who is deeply unpopular with some of the sisterhood right now. English, 30-ish, married to an American and living in California, she has written a book criticising the contraceptive pill. Actually, Sweetening the Pill: Or How We Got Hooked On Hormonal Birth Control is more than critical; it is a sweeping polemic against the pill and every form of hormonal contraception. Since this wonder drug is celebrated by mainstream feminists (Nancy Pelosi, Cecile Richards, Sandra Fluke…) as the great liberator of women, you can see why the others are peeved with her. Read more…

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