
Posts Tagged ‘family’

Dear Heterosexual Community: Your Kids Are Hurting, Part One

March 29th, 2015 Comments off

her scars are on the insideI am pleased to see that the community of natural marriage defenders is taking notice of kids in gay households:

Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting

Wonderful! But what if I told you that it’s only a start?

Consider this: kids in gay households are often there due to a prior divorce and later remarriage, or a prior divorce and later cohabitation. These structural issues are not being adequately addressed within the larger context of same-sex marriage, and this has created a logical gap in our arguments.

Filling this gap is our opportunity to reach the younger generation.

Largely, the younger generation favors same-sex marriage. But if we addressed the family structure problems first created by heterosexuals, this may help us persuade the younger generation:

  • that we care about their family structure inequalities and the pain caused by them
  • that gay marriage adds to the structural inequalities children face
  • that we are being fair in our assessments–we’re targeting all adults who are the impetus of structural inequalities for children under their care.

Here is why I am hopeful about this line of thought. The author of the above post retracted her support of same-sex marriage because she realized something important: Read more…

Rethinking the Blended Family

December 11th, 2014 Comments off

As somebody who was raised in multiple divorce/remarriage situations, the phrase “blended family” has always reminded me of a blender.  Yes, a literal blender, like this:

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Building a Better Fatherhood

October 4th, 2014 Comments off

Self-giving love is the best foundation for family life

By Scott Yenor

This article was originally published at on September 21, 2014.

Cultural support for fatherhood has collapsed in the past 50 years, and there are few signs of a renewal. In light of this, how can fathers summon the courage to fulfill their mission?

Their mission is two-fold: to love their wives and commit to providing for the total welfare of their child. Each of these requires from men a conscious attitude of self-giving love. This admirable attitude does not come always naturally to us, and it is increasingly under siege in our culture that emphasizes independence and self-fulfillment. Read more…

Why We Stand for the Family

August 22nd, 2014 Comments off

by Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Why should we stand for the family, or for marriage, or for any of the cultrually conservative issues?

The Judicial Elites have handed down a disastrous series of Federal Court decisions, solidifying governmental commitment to the ideology of the Sexual Revolution. The Entertainment Elites seem to celebrate every family form, except the natural family of a loving father and mother faithful to one another and raising their own children together. The Media Elites continue their shameless manipulation of public opinion. The Economic Elites pour money into political campaigns and propaganda campaigns designed to prop up the structure of the Sexual Revolution. Academic Elites continue their behind-the-scenes scribbling, advocating for recreating marriage, the family and even the human body, in their own image. Read more…

Homemakers are happier

June 24th, 2014 Comments off


The News Story – Stay-at-home mums on the rise as economy settles

The recent stabilization of our economy has resulted in an increase in stay-at-home mums, a recent article from The Washington Times reports. “According to a recent Pew Research Center report,” the article states, “a greater share of mothers is not working outside the home than at any time in the past 20 years.” Additionally, what is particularly interesting is that “[t]he largest share [of stay-at-home mothers] consists of ‘traditional’ married stay-at-home mothers with working husbands…They made up roughly two-thirds of the nation’s 10.4 million stay-at-home mothers in 2012.” This means that we can safely say that most mothers choose to stay at home not due to economic necessity, but because they genuinely desire to care for their children and home over pursuing paid employment. Read more…

Predicting the quality of your child’s future relationships

June 17th, 2014 Comments off


The News Story – How to save marriage in America

Given that contemporary society seems to be ridding itself of “traditional,” breadwinner / homemaker, marriages, we might think that cohabitation, childless marriages, and career-centred bachelor lives have assumed that place. However, a recent article in The Atlantic indicates that “child-focused” marriages have replaced more traditional marriages. Despite their egalitarian nature – as seen by the shared tasks of domestic work and paid employment – the fact that modern marriages seem to be centred on children may be a hopeful sign for continuation of the natural family. Read more…

Spain’s family culture collapses

June 5th, 2014 Comments off


Fewer marriages, broken marriages and the difficulty of reconciling work and family life are leading reasons why the family in Spain is in deep trouble, according to a new report from the Institute for Family Policies (IPFE). The Spanish pro-family organisation says the family in Spain is increasingly one without children and often of lone adults. (The full study can be downloaded at:ña/) Read more…

Stanford Student Experiences Intolerance from Liberals Concerning Marriage Conference

May 5th, 2014 Comments off

by Dave Jolly

Stanford University is a very well-known and highly respected University.  Their academic standards are higher than most universities.  The school is also known for trying to be a diverse campus that is open to many differing ideologies, however, that reputation is becoming rather tarnished.

In her freshman year at Stanford, Judy Romea found the campus group known as the Stanford Anscombe Society, named after Elizabeth Anscombe, a British philosopher.  According to their website: Read more…

Categories: family, Marriage Tags: ,

Irreplaceable – Out next Tuesday, May 6th

May 3rd, 2014 Comments off
How important is the family?  What has happened in today’s “modern” culture in relation to the family?  A new film called “Irreplaceable” explores these questions. It is out next week.  We encourage you to go see it.

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Categories: family Tags:

In a world of family change, how are children faring?

April 22nd, 2014 Comments off
A new report provides a unique global picture of family factors affecting child well-being.

Families around the world are changing dramatically. The newly released World Family Map 2014 from the US research centre Child Trends provides an evidence base for strategies to improve child wellbeing. In this Q&A with MercatorNet the project’s co-director Laura Lippman notes some of the major findings. Read more…

Categories: Children, family Tags: ,