
Posts Tagged ‘gay marriage’

Lesbian Activist’s Surprisingly Candid Speech: Gay Marriage Fight Is a ‘Lie’ to Destroy Marriage

May 2nd, 2013 Comments off

Key quote:

“It’s a no-brainer that [homosexuals] should have the right to marry. But I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist. [resounding applause]. That causes my brain some trouble. Part of why it causes me trouble is because fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we’re going to do with marriage when we get there. Because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change. And that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change, and again, I don’t think it should exist.” Read more…

Gay ‘marriage’ offer Economic Boost to Illinois? hhmm…..

April 16th, 2013 Comments off

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Dr J at the Rhode Island state legislature

January 21st, 2013 Comments off

The Bible v. Gene Robinson: how about a real Bible scholar, not a comedian?

December 21st, 2012 Comments off

gagnon stewart


New! Our circle of Experts Podcast Interviews….

December 6th, 2012 Comments off

Something to think about…….

September 18th, 2012 Comments off

The Conversation you don’t want to miss…

July 21st, 2012 Comments off

…if you live in California. (Or even if you don’t).

My Three Daddies: California Eyes Multiple Parenting Law

July 5th, 2012 Comments off

More craziness from California:

California, the battleground state for the arguments for and against same-sex marriage, is now considering an unconventional law that would allow children to be legally granted more than two parents. Read more…

“Nobody Gets Married Any More, Mister”

September 8th, 2011 6 comments

An urban high school teacher in Connecticut talks about unwed motherhood, fatherlessness, and how it affects the kids in his classroom.

by Gerry Garibaldi

…Here’s my prediction: the money, the reforms, the gleaming porcelain, the hopeful rhetoric about saving our children—all of it will have a limited impact, at best, on most city schoolchildren. Urban teachers face an intractable problem, one that we cannot spend or even teach our way out of: teen pregnancy. This year, all of my favorite girls are pregnant, four in all, future unwed mothers every one. There will be no innovation in this quarter, no race to the top. Personal moral accountability is the electrified rail that no politician wants to touch… Read more…

Wrong Marriage Debate Again

June 28th, 2011 18 comments

By Mona Charen

If only lower income heterosexuals were as keen to marry as some homosexuals, the United States would be a much stronger country.

Supporters of gay marriage (most prominently The New York Times, which reported New York’s legalization of such unions last week with about as much hoopla as it did the Japanese surrender in 1945) are ecstatic. Read more…