
Posts Tagged ‘pro-life movement’

They are bringing out the fake blood and shackles

March 20th, 2014 Comments off

from Kristan Hawkins (SFLA)

Pro-abortion advocates know they are losing, so they are growing desperate.

With abortion facilities closing down, pro-life state legislation being passed in record numbers, and national polls confirming that a majority of our nation is against abortion (CNN’s latest poll says 58% are in favor of banning almost all abortions), they know the tide has turned against them. And with our What has Roe Done for Us? Tour hitting campuses this spring and national social media campaign underway, we know their old scare tactics are no longer working.  Read more…

How to Speak Up for Life

February 21st, 2014 Comments off
Every human has the right to life. But for more than 40 years, abortion-on-demand has stripped the youngest children of that right and endangered women’s health and safety. Backed by solid research, this booklet will help you navigate one of the most significant debates in America.

Walking into chaos

January 30th, 2014 Comments off

from Kristan Hawkins, President, Students for Life of America

This Saturday, I took some of our new student leaders into chaos.

After an exhausting week here in Washington, our team headed to San Francisco to distribute 5,000 I am the Pro-Life Generation signs and meet hundreds of our student leaders at the 70,000-person Walk for Life.

After passing out our signs our team learned that a radical pro-abortion group calling pregnancy “enslavement” and publicly advocating for violence against pro-life sidewalk counselors was protesting the Walk. Read more…

Respecting Life, Rejecting Life

January 28th, 2014 Comments off


I recently returned from my first March for Life in Washington, DC.

I loved the experience. I loved being gathered together with so many young people to defend the dignity of all human life, and to collectively pray for an end to the scourge of abortion. I especially loved seeing the signs that read, “I am the pro-life generation.” Read more…

Reflections of a Former Fetus and Former Incubator

April 9th, 2013 Comments off


Radical pro-choice rhetoric attacks the most basic facts of our human existence: that the human body comes in two different but complementary types, male and female. They cannot forgive women who embrace femininity rather than neuter themselves. Read more…

My observations on the March for Life

February 6th, 2013 Comments off

by Michael Israel, ITAF 2012

My observations of the March for Life began before I even attended. This was my first time going, and I was hoping I would be able to find a ride down there. I didn’t know where exactly I was going to be during the March, various work situations had taken me from Allentown, PA to Pittsburgh, PA and to Ft. Wayne Indiana. Since by nature I am a networker I reached out to each of the nearby campus groups and found that all of them were sending delegations and all of them, though they had limited room, would be able to fit one more! This is more impressive when you consider that Ft. Wayne, Indiana is more than 550 miles away and that they had chartered a whole bus! The youth of this nation were certainly determined to attend! Read more…

What the March for Life meant to me

February 5th, 2013 Comments off

by Daniel Marcum, Ruth Institute “It Takes a Family to Raise a  Village” 2012 Conference alumn

This year on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade the March for Life organized in Washington, D.C. to give voice to those who oppose abortion. This was easily the most impressive March for Life I’ve been to, with thousands of pro-life organizations making their presence felt. The movement is growing bigger and younger with every passing year. Read more…

Roe’s legacy of false freedom

February 4th, 2013 Comments off

Meg T. McDonnell

A young pro-life woman wonders when some Millennials are going to wake up to the big lie about reproductive freedom.

As the United States marks the fortieth anniversary of the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, there’s been a lot of talk about who’s winning and who’s losing in the contentious debate over abortion rights. A focal point in that debate has been Millennials like myself, who’ve lived their entire lives with a constitutional “right to abortion”. Read more…

Berkeley Students at Walk for Life

February 1st, 2013 Comments off

from Anne Morse, President, Berkeley Students for Life

We had a great group come out for the Walk for Life. Unfortunately, even though we had over 20 Berkeley students come out, Stanford had more. BUT, in terms of quality, BSL had way more news coverage.
We were featured in photos (scroll down), on TV , and two of our Berkeley Students for Life were quoted in an article !


Great March for Life video: Over 500,000 press on to victory for the unborn

February 1st, 2013 Comments off