Rethinking the Blended Family
As somebody who was raised in multiple divorce/remarriage situations, the phrase “blended family” has always reminded me of a blender. Yes, a literal blender, like this:
As somebody who was raised in multiple divorce/remarriage situations, the phrase “blended family” has always reminded me of a blender. Yes, a literal blender, like this:
by Charlie Butts
A federally funded children’s hospital in Colorado is providing underage children free birth control, the “morning-after” pill, and even intrauterine devices – and under the law, parents don’t have to know about it.
Bob Enyart of Colorado Right to Life tells OneNewsNow the situation is really out of control. “Children’s Hospital Colorado [through a clinic in Colorado Springs] is giving medical treatment to children as young as 12 years of age – and that includes an abortifacient pill called Plan B, the morning-after pill,” he details. He adds the treatment includes providing the girls IUDs if they walk into the BC4U clinic. Read more…
Fertility is the missing chapter in sex education. Sobering facts about women’s declining fertility after their 20s are being withheld from ambitious young women, who are propelled along a career track devised for men. Read more…
by Bob Kellogg
A frequent spokesperson for teen sexual health says President Obama’s proposed 2015 budget shows a blatant disregard for the majority of parents and the health of teens, as he has once again eliminated funding for abstinence education. Read more…
Too much media, not enough sleep, and little exercise. Sound like your average teenager? Yes, and worryingly so, according to a recent article by Time Magazine. New research shows that a combination of these three behaviours puts teenagers at risk of mental health issues. Read more…
In 2013 California and New Jersey passed laws that ban licensed mental health providers from offering sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) to minors. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Minnesota and Maryland are considering similar legislation. Recently, however, this legislation died in the Virginia House, and a stay was imposed in California pending review by the Supreme Court of the United States. Read more…
Bob Kellogg ( Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The father of a 13-year-old girl in Kansas is challenging a middle school for putting up a poster titled “How Do People Express Their Sexual Feelings?”
Some of the terms on the poster, posted on a Grove Middle School classroom door, are innocent enough: kissing, hugging, talking. But others are too graphic to even mention. Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute is representing Mark Ellis, the father. Read more…
Over the last three decades, social scientists, educational researchers, and pundits have probed for the reason why educationally the US on the fringe of being a Third World country. In particular, why does the academic achievement of American students begin to fall off during junior high and plummet during the high school years? Read more…
The governors of California and New Jersey have recently signed bills into law that violate First Amendment protections of freedom of speech and freedom of religion. These new laws ban licensed counselors from engaging in talk therapies that reduce the level of same-sex attractions in minors for whom such reduction is a personal goal. Strikingly, these bills apply to all minors except those who wish to change their sex (“gender identity”) altogether, via hormones and surgery. Legislators in New York,Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania are pushing for similar talk-therapy bans. Such legislation usurps the rights of parents and children to seek counseling that conforms to their values. They are also based on faulty premises. Read more…
The American Academy of Pediatrics, a national organization of pediatric healthcare providers, recently issued a position statement that advocates pediatricians not only teach teens how to use condoms but also to dispense them in the office. Intuitively, this makes sense. Used correctly and consistently, condoms decrease the risk of acquiring sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) and unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, increased availability of condoms coupled with more education Read more…