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Dante’s Infernal Post: Part III: Miscellaneous Errata.

May 11th, 2010

Sexual initiation

Dante Atkins makes much of Dr. J’s use of the term “Sexual Initiation.”  I could only imagine the lurid thoughts that prompted Dante to make the term “sexual initiation” sound like something that happens when a cult leader becomes president of a college fraternity.  But those lurid thoughts are, not surprisingly, wrong.

Sexual Initiation is a social science term for first sexual intercourse.  (I wish there was a term like “innumerate” for a person who’s as clueless about social science as Dante is.  I guess I’ll have to content myself with calling him “ignorant of social science.”)  Then again, from the sentence he was reading, I think context clues should have enlightened Dante to the meaning of the term “Sexual Initiation.”  Why bother reading closely if it will only make it obvious that the point you’re trying to make is wrong, right Dante?

The Book of Ruth

Dante evidently doesn’t think much of the Bible.  Oh well.  I guess if he did, he would have read it carefully enough not to butcher its account of Ruth.

Last but not least

Lastly, lest Dante Atkins thing that I entitled this post “Dante’s Infernal Post” due to fire and brimstone reasons, let me assure him that he has his puns (he entitled his post Ruthless) and I have mine.

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