
Archive for the ‘Same Sex Marriage’ Category

Dear Heterosexual Community: Your Kids Are Hurting, Part 2

April 6th, 2015 Comments off

Part One of this series is located here.

How savvy are you about step-families? Do you understand the structural similarity between step-families and same-sex marriage? Take the Step-Family Quiz to test your knowledge. I created this quiz as an engaging way to help defenders of marriage understand the cultural blind-spot that we have about step-families. Of course anybody is welcome to take it. But it is geared towards those who believe that marriage is only between a man and a woman. By the end it should become apparent why I have focused on marriage defenders. There are five questions and their answers, plus a bonus question at the end.

1. Which group was the first to claim there is “no difference” between the intact family founded on natural marriage and other family structures?

  • a. Heterosexuals
  • b. Homosexuals

2. When was that claim first made, and what form did it take?

Read more…

Dear Heterosexual Community: Your Kids Are Hurting, Part One

March 29th, 2015 Comments off

her scars are on the insideI am pleased to see that the community of natural marriage defenders is taking notice of kids in gay households:

Dear Gay Community: Your Kids Are Hurting

Wonderful! But what if I told you that it’s only a start?

Consider this: kids in gay households are often there due to a prior divorce and later remarriage, or a prior divorce and later cohabitation. These structural issues are not being adequately addressed within the larger context of same-sex marriage, and this has created a logical gap in our arguments.

Filling this gap is our opportunity to reach the younger generation.

Largely, the younger generation favors same-sex marriage. But if we addressed the family structure problems first created by heterosexuals, this may help us persuade the younger generation:

  • that we care about their family structure inequalities and the pain caused by them
  • that gay marriage adds to the structural inequalities children face
  • that we are being fair in our assessments–we’re targeting all adults who are the impetus of structural inequalities for children under their care.

Here is why I am hopeful about this line of thought. The author of the above post retracted her support of same-sex marriage because she realized something important: Read more…

Boehner: House will not support marriage during Supreme Court case

February 10th, 2015 Comments off

Check out the quotes from Dr. Morse in this article.

by Ben Johnson

This article was first published

WASHINGTON, D.C., February 9, 2015 ( – When the Supreme Court rules about whether to impose same-sex “marriage” on the entire nation, the House of Representatives will remain mum on the subject.

House Speaker John Boehner confirmed that the Republican-controlled body will not weigh in on either side of the constitutional issue. Read more…

To Melanie Batley at HuffPo

September 16th, 2014 Comments off
Jennifer Johnson, Director of Outreach

Jennifer Johnson, Director of Outreach


Hi Melanie,

My name is Jennifer Johnson and I am the Director of Outreach at the Ruth Institute. Since you linked to an important document created by my organization in your post called, “Conservatives Can’t Be Pro-Marriage and Oppose Gay Marriage,” I would like to respond to you.

You said that you haven’t found a conservative to “give you a satisfactory answer” as to “how gay marriage tangibly undermines traditional marriage arrangements.” That’s unfortunate, and I’m not very surprised. However, this kind of answer is the kind of answer specialize in here at the Ruth Institute (which is no longer part of NOM, BTW).

Before I answer, let me pose a question, Melanie. Have you researched the precise manner in which gay marriage is implemented into the legal code? I would like to make a prediction: that you have not done this research. Very few have. What I have observed, instead, is that gay marriage supporters make an assumption. Their assumption goes like this: Read more…

Debunking the “right side of history” claim

July 30th, 2014 Comments off

interracial marriage banIf you’re debating marriage with somebody and they bring up the interracial marriage ban (which was struck down by SCOTUS in a famous decision called Loving v. Virginia), show them this graphic and start talking about what the interracial marriage ban actually DID. 

The interracial marriage ban enforced the separation of men from women, based on race. It used marriage policy to keep the sexes away from each other, in certain instances.

Same sex marriage is doing something similar. It does not enforce a separation, but it does endorse  and foster a separation of men from women, based on sexual orientation. It is using marriage policy to encourage the sexes to separate from each other, in certain instances.

Same sex marriage supporters claim to be “on the right side of history.” But as Loving v. Virginia shows us, history did NOT side with those who were using marriage policy in order to separate the sexes from each other. Remind your debate opponent of this fact.

‘Whoops’ not enough after students shown homosexual propaganda

May 29th, 2014 Comments off

by Bob Kellogg

The superintendent of a Wisconsin public school district has apologized after high school students were shown a video that promotes same-sex marriage. Read more…

The sad end of a gay marriage

May 9th, 2014 Comments off


Marriage didn’t do this gay couple much good. Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson and his partner of 25 years, Mark Andrew, had a civil union ceremony in 2008, which automatically became a “marriage” when New Hampshire legalised same-sex marriage in 2009.

On May 3 they announced their divorce. Read more…

Repudiating the calculated decision to deprive children of mothers

May 9th, 2014 Comments off


David van Gend is a family doctor and head of the Australian Marriage Forum. He is always an eloquent, hard-hitting speaker, but in this 25-minute video he excels. Drawing on years of experience as a GP and keen political instincts, he presents a convincing case why governments should not legalise same-sex marriage.

Watch the video.

Barred: Christian lawyers are the new racists

May 6th, 2014 Comments off

If your university does not hold with gay marriage, don’t look for a legal career in eastern Canada.

by Lea Singh

Late last month, the law societies of Ontario and Nova Scotia voted against recognizing the validity of law degrees granted by the fledgling Trinity Western University School of Law in Langley, British Columbia. Read more…

Much ado about sex; nothing to do with race

May 6th, 2014 Comments off


A mixed race couple demonstrating for gay marriage hold up a sign saying, “Once our marriage was once illegal too.”

Is that a just comparison? Is opposition to same-sex marriage at all like opposition to inter-racial marriage? Does protecting the freedom to speak and act publicly on the basis of a religious belief that marriage is the union of a man and woman amount to the kind of laws that banned inter-racial marriage? Read more…