Parenting and Thought Reform
Family law Judges are famous for their truly disgusting rulings. But no matter how low they sink into the muck, they continuously find a way to achieve new lows of tyranny and immorality.
Witness this case:
The court order said that “Father to be in individual counseling to address issues with a male therapist regarding father‘s racist and sexist views,” but the appellate opinion seems to treat the counseling as focused solely on the father’s use of “sexist and racist remarks” and “repeated angry use of racial, ethnic and gender epithets.”
I do not personally know the circumstances of this case. It seems possible that the father is the biggest jerk that ever lived. (That being said, considering the tyrannical ruling of the court, it is hard to trust the Court’s version of the facts. Tyrants are not known for their honesty).
It is still legal in this country to be an immoral jerk. And it is still legal for immoral jerks to have children. (They do, after all, allow people who intentionally deprive their children of the benefits of a father to keep their kids). But those that do so are not in the cross-hairs of the politically correct courts. They’re the right kind of immoral jerks, you see.
If we allow this disgusting trend to continue, I imagine the comments that the State uses to justify taking away one’s children will become milder and milder. Perhaps I should think twice about posting on such a politically incorrect blog if I want to keep my kids around.
You don’t know the circumstances of the case? Did you read the court finding featured at your link? I did.
As it turns out, the woman who gave birth to the twins was a surrogate, and they were conceived with purchased ova. The defendant calls himself a single father, so apparently those lucky, “chosen” children have no mother at all. The father, who the girls’ godmother says has a problem with alcohol and drugs, lost custody because he abused and neglected the kids. Here are some excerpts:
I especially apreciated the irony of something that “H.H.”, the girls’ godmother, said. Referring to the defendant, she remarks, “he thinks the world is against a single dad.”
Let me get this straight. This guy buys ova, rents a womb, takes possession of the resulting motherless babies, and then rages at the world — especially the non-white portion of it — when the girls grow into emotionally disturbed children whom he experiences as burdens.
And we’re supposed to feel bad that learning not to scream racial obscenities at people is one of the conditions that family court has found wise to impose on this selfish violent creep, after he made his kids live in such misery?
I’m not saying anybody should feel sorry for the guy. He may very well be a complete creep. I think I made that completely clear in my post.
That said, I think it’s extremely dangerous when we have COURTS making these decisions. COURTS cannot be relied upon to make wise decisions that maximize happiness. They can be relied upon to make bad decisions just as often as good. They can be relied upon to follow the political winds. COURTS stink at this kind of thing. I’m decrying the power that the court has.
In a society founded upon the rule of law, who other than the COURT should hear a child custody case?
Perhaps courts are the best tool we have. But they’re a crappy tool to use. They should have as little power as possible over people’s personal lives.
Remember this: Just because these days courts are making decisions that go the way you want them to go (towards the Left), if you give them too much power, what will you do when the winds of change blow in a different direction and courts start ruling with the mob. Remember, regardless of the facts and regardless of the law, courts can be counted on to rule in accordance with the wishes of the howling mob. That’s not the rule of law at all.
Roper: “So now you’d give the devil the benefit of law?”
More: “Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the devil?”
Roper: “I’d cut down every law in England to do that.”
More: “Oh, and when the last law was down, and the devil turned on you, where would you hide, Roper, all the laws being flat? This country is planted thick with laws from coast to coast, man’s laws not God’s, and if you cut them down — and you’re just the man to do it — do you really think that you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then?
“Yes, I’d give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety’s sake.”
-Robert Bolt, A Man for All Seasons
You said that this case was an example of a court achieving “new lows of tyranny and immorality”. Can you justify that statement? What, exactly, did the court do that is supposed to be so shockingly out of line?
First, court decisions very often don’t go the way I want them to. Second, when a leftwinger treats his kids like this guy did, and behaves as belligerently toward other people, then it’ll be fine with me if the court deals with him as it has dealt with this case. Remember: the issue here has always been the father’s problematic behavior towards others, rather than the mere fact of his dumb opinions. Third, where’s this “howling mob”? People have repeatedly resorted to calling the cops on this man when he’s started screaming unprintable insults at teachers, bus drivers, social workers, counselors, and complete strangers trying to mind their own business. But I find no record of people forming a howling mob against him, despite his provocative behavior, nor any evidence of the court acting under pressure from a howling mob. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
I’m talking about Courts in general. I’ve read enough about the history of the Supreme Court. I know it to be true.
If you want your future in the hands of a court rather than in your own hands, then so be it. But I think the world would be a better place with less court intervention.
Wow. Dude. Your posts are usually so much better then this. The actual circumstances of this case, coupled with your posting. It’s so amateur. Do your research next time, this is embarrassing.
The best thing that could have happened to those girls was court intervention.
The circumstances of this actual case are secondary. The power that the court is taking for itself is what scares me. You must know that this new power will be massively abused.
Well, thats what checks and balances are for. I’m actually all for reforming family law, making it more equal (automatic custody to mom isn’t right in all cases, they need to be taken on a individual basis.)
But seriously, next time do some research. Instead of coming across as an intelligent, well thought out individual fearful of children missing out on time with their fathers due to a lazy court system, you came across as whiney, juvenile M.R.A nut whose more concerned with sticking to feminism and women in the general then about the well being of children. And that is disappointing.