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It’s no wonder young men are so confused

February 1st, 2011

When it comes to behavior, society gives them a very mixed message.


Today, I wouldn’t trade places with an 18-year-old guy for a million bucks.

It’s a wonder our sons don’t end up in the loony bin, given the schizophrenic messages we bombard them with.

The latest “you’ve-got-to-be-kidding” example to cross my desk involved frat-boy antics at Yale University — home to lots of folks who pride themselves on being among our nation’s best and brightest.

A few months ago, it seems, a group of Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity pledges marched onto Yale’s campus and chanted crude slogans “making light of” rape and necrophilia, according to the Yale alumni magazine.

(“No means yes, yes means anal” — you get the idea.)

A “storm of controversy” erupted. Yale administrators expressed shock and outrage.

“We will confront hateful speech when it has been uttered,” vowed President Richard Levin and Dean Mary Miller, according to the magazine. “No member of our community should engage in such demeaning behavior.”

The Yale Women’s Center went ballistic, of course, and “students, administrators, and alumni all wrestled with how to respond to a public display that many found offensive.”

An online alumni petition condemning the chants drew nearly 2,000 signatures. Predictably, the frat boys — denounced on all sides — apologized for their crude behavior.

OK, OK, the Yale critics are right. Young gentlemen should not conduct themselves this way. But wait, what else is happening on campus?

Well, there’s Yale’s biennial “Sex Week” — a nine-day, student-sponsored event timed to coincide with Valentine’s Day and blessed by university bigwigs. Last year, a Sex Week headliner was porn megastar Sasha Grey.

Grey’s claim to fame is her insatiable appetite for being sexually brutalized. Among porn performers, she stands out for “her take-no-prisoners attitude toward the hardest of hard-core sex scenes and consensual degradation,” according to the Los Angeles Times.

Sex Week’s ostensible purpose is to help Yalies navigate “sex, love and relationships,” according to the Yale Daily News. No chocolates or roses, though. Sex Week celebrates pornography. (Love, relationships, porn — hey, what’s the difference?)

Keep reading, if you dare.

Categories: Sex Radicals, Sexual Integrity Tags:
  1. nerdygirl
    February 1st, 2011 at 13:19 | #1

    Ms Kersten needs perspective. The Fraternity made light of rape and consent. CONSENT is huge. Consent is what keeps BDSM from being domestic abuse and rape. (Any basic reading about BDSM would show that un-coerced consent is critical to keeping the participants safe mentally and physically) Sasha Grey is an adult who consents to her scenes, and her personal preferences for how rough she likes sex, isn’t to be taken as “everyone should like sex this way” or that somehow, the fact that she CONSENTS not important. In fact, al Ms. Kersten is trying to do is imply Sasha Grey is somehow “less” of a person because she likes it rough. The ladies in the fashion show consent, they agree to walk down the runway in the lingerie.

  2. Sean
    February 1st, 2011 at 16:15 | #2

    Kersten is the Minneapolis Star-Tribune’s resident church lady. If she thinks it didn’t happen in biblical times (and it usually did, as historians like to point out), she disapproves.

    What drives these people’s obsessions with other people’s sex lives is anybody’s guess. Anyone care to hazard a guess?

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