What is an ‘unbortion’?
From theweek.com:
A Catholic medical center is providing a way for women, seeking second-trimester abortions, to actually stop the procedure and keep the baby.
At the pregnancy center where I used to do volunteer work many (probably most) of the women working there are members of the PASS (Post Abortion Stress Syndrome) support group. Most pregnancy centers sponsor PASS support groups and, regrettably, such groups are ‘thriving’ in terms of membership.
Maybe now there will at least be a few less women who have sought second-trimester abortions in need of such support. Pregnancy centers already manage to divert a lot of business away from the abortion industry (and are truly hated by abortionists for doing so). It will be interesting to see what additional effect this will have on Planned Parenthood’s all important bottom line, especially after the mothers of the children saved by ‘unbortion’ start publicly describing how they were cajoled into getting an abortion to begin with.
No, the reason “abortionists” hate pregnancy centers is because they (unsure for all states, though some now require this to be advertised upfront) had vague language about the services they offered, gave out mis-information on abortions, etc. It’s one thing for a woman to go to a pregnancy center looking for options other then abortion, and another for a woman looking for abortion to go to a place that doesn’t state that they don’t offer abortions upfront and is then shamed about her decision.
Cajoled into getting an abortion? Really?!
Pro-choicers are also upset with these kinds of crisis centers because they have been known to give out false information such as incorrectly linking abortions to various types of cancer. Lying to women about their health is shameful, no matter what your personal views on abortion may be.
That’s all one big myth, nerdy. (Actually, it’s deliberate misinformation put out by the abortion industry.) From the moment the first pregnancy centers started (shortly after Roe v. Wade in 1973) they learned that they had to be extremely careful about what they said or did if they didn’t want to be put out of business by a malicious lawsuit.
You know how pro-aborts throw fits over the methods of Lila Rose and friends? That’s the epitome of hypocrisy! The abortion industry has been sending provocateurs to trip up pregnancy centers by those methods for decades now.
Any pregnancy center that “…had vague language about the services they offered, gave out mis-information on abortions, etc…” or that didn’t “…state that they don’t offer abortions upfront… would have been put out of business a long time ago.
Among the many other subjects covered by the training I had to go through just to do volunteer work at a pregnancy center, we learned that when dealing with a client:
We had to always be forthright about what we did and didn’t do. (In fact, we had to require our clients to fill out paperwork – before we could do anything for them – detailing what we did/didn’t do, and they had to initial every item on a list on that paperwork covering all the services that were and that were not provided.)
We could not say anything derogatory about a client or do anything insulting them under any circumstances – ever. (Why would we do that to someone you were trying to help anyway?)
We could not even show the most emotionally benign pictures or videos about abortion procedures to a client unless they asked us to do so in writing (and we didn’t even keep any pictures or videos of abortions on the premises).
We even had to ask our clients to sit between us and the door of the counseling room to avoid even the slightest appearance of any attempted ‘false imprisonment’, one of the malicious methods of entrapment employed by those pro-abortion provocateurs I mentioned – false accusations of false imprisonment.
And on and on it went, nerdy.
Besides, methods like scare tactics, guilt, pictures of abortions, etc., would never be effective anyway. These women need help and, most of all, to be <loved. That is how we win them over, nerdy. That’s even the name the method pregnancy centers train their counselors to use to help their clients.
The L.O.V.E. Approach:
L = Listen and Learn what her needs are.
O = Offer her Options to fulfill her needs.
V = Value her and her Vision of her future.
E = Extend the help she needs to be Empowered.
That is how pregnancy centers do their work, people (the opposite of how abortion mills do their evil work, by the way). That is how pregnancy centers and sidewalk counselors have saved mothers and their babies from the devastation of abortion for going on four decades now. That is how we are going to end this holocaust: with L-O-V-E.
Oh yes indeed. The pregnancy clinic where I worked had a number of women come from the so-called ‘family’ clinic (talk about deceitfulness…) down the street, having been told by them that the sonogram (which has to be performed to confirm pregnancy before performing an abortion) showed that her baby was dead. (They always make absolutely certain the mother can’t see the sonogram, of course. They know she’ll realize that the baby inside her is anything but a mere ‘clump of cells’ as soon as she sees the sonogram…)
But when we did a sonogram for her (one of the main reasons we have a sonogram machine is so we can show the mother how her baby is developing, by the way) the baby was very much alive and kicking and waving its arms around and you could clearly see the heart beating away.
Emma, abortion and contraceptive related breast cancer is going to be the next tobacco related lung cancer scandal. The evidence goes back decades. Look around the internet.
“Pregnancy centers already manage to divert a lot of business away from the abortion industry (and are truly hated by abortionists for doing so).”
That’s a load of baloney. NG is right. The reason why “abortionists” hate crisis centers is because they lie to women. Plain and simple.
Well Leland. I’m willing to accept that you happened to volunteer at the pregnancy center with a heart of gold staffed by unicorns. Because just like you have evidence supporting your stance on interwebs, I have evidence supporting my stance on the interwebs.
It appears we are at an impasse.
My evidence is from first-hand experience, nerdy.
No offense Leland, you worked at ONE center. And you are, tangibly nothing more then thoughts typed on the internet. Just like all the sources, all the typed thoughts of first-hand experience I’ve read. You can’t write off every claim against crisis centers just because the one you volunteered at didn’t engage in shadiness. We can admit people at Planned Parenthood sometimes act outside the bounds of the law and the organizations standards. Are you suggesting that those at crisis centers do not?
Besides, what about the hundreds of women who receive abortions and then volunteer at PP? Are their experiences less valid because they didn’t regret their decision to abort?
OK, you got me. I’m not really a human being. I’m actually a computer program – an AI experiment of sorts. Now everyone knows…
Nobody’s experiences are ever invalid. But their conclusions about what they’ve done are not valid.
Everything from logic to science proves that abortion takes the life of an innocent human being without justification.
Oh come on. You’re a writer on a blog’ whose mission is “protecting” traditional marriage. You have personal vendetta against abortion. Why should anyone take your opinion/word any more then a pro-choice writer who volunteers at an abortion clinic? You’re a biased source, and one without meaningful context.
“Nobody’s experiences are ever invalid. But their conclusions about what they’ve done are not valid.”
Thats a rather passive aggressive way of saying they don’t agree with ME therefore they are wrong.
And. nope. still don’t think it’s murder.
Pro death, or pro life.
You choose.
nerdy, could you try to remember to click on the “Reply” button when you respond to a certain comment. Sometimes I don’t realize at first who you’re talking to.
And what are you ranting over? My remark about being “an AI experiment or sorts” was tongue-in-cheek. I promise you I take no personal umbrage whatsoever that you accord no special weight to my opinion. (Maybe that’s because I also do not ever concern myself with who is making a particular assertion – only with the validity of the argument. To do otherwise – one way or the other – would either be ad hominem or the appeal to authority fallacy.) Chill already, nerdy.
Dude. Sorry. Tone is hard to catch sometimes in written word.
Pro choice, or anti-freedom.
You choose.
Yeah, sometimes I think it would be great to get all the RuthBloggers together some time so we can meet each other face to face. (We could have metal detectors at the doors to make sure everyone’s disarmed…)
So you figure killing babies is setting them free???
Life precedes liberty.
Patrick Henry’s words, “…give me liberty, or give me death!”
are inspiring because he was referring to HIS OWN death.