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Reel Love Contest Winners….

March 5th, 2011

Categories: Marriage Tags:
  1. alison
    February 28th, 2011 at 07:45 | #1

    Is there an explanation of how the winners were chosen – other than by the judges opinions and people’s votes? I personally felt that although the first video was a touching story, it answered the question “What is eternal love?” based on Mormon theology much better than “What is life long love?” as was the challenge for this contest. Just curious. Thanks!

  2. Ruth
    February 28th, 2011 at 13:53 | #2

    Hey Mariah,
    Nice video.
    I think “Caasablanca” really is a great love story, though.
    It honors married love, and it honors the kind of love that will give up its own desires when the other person’s interests require that.
    Each of the men was willing to give up his romantic relationship with her, because they loved her.

  3. Betsy
    March 8th, 2011 at 13:12 | #3

    There weren’t any Mormon judges, except for our one Mormon employee once we were all called on to weigh in when the judges scoring was too close to call. We all had our own criteria, I expect, but it was mainly based on message, style, creativity, execution, etc. Hope that helps!

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