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Lies, Damned Lies, Statistics and… Planned ‘Parenthood’

March 10th, 2011

Julie Rovner, NPR health policy correspondent: Well, the conflict is really that PP keeps its statistics according to the percent of those services that are provided, not according to how many people get what… Sarah Stoesz from PP kind of misspoke when she said it was 3% of patients who come in get abortions.

It is actually a little bit closer to the 10% that [Susan B. Anthony List President] Marjorie Dannenfesler suggested, because there are about 3 million patients who come in. There are about 300,000 abortions provided…

Neal Conan, host: And the difference might be that the same woman who later received an abortion also got a pregnancy test and counseling and some other services.

Rovner: Absolutely. So many of those patients are getting more than one service and who – many of the patients who get an abortion are probably getting other services as well.

“A little bit closer”? 3 million divided by 300,000 is actually 10%. Furthermore, and the bigger point, as LiveAction.org pointed out, over 35% of PP’s income comes from abortion. NPR would be fair and balanced to report that statistic as well.

Actually, almost 37% of their health center income is from abortions, in fact…

All numbers are from the latest (2008) Planned Parenthood annual report:

  • Annual abortions performed at Planned Parenthood: 305,310
  • Average cost of abortion: $450 (This is based on what Planned Parenthood across the country has told Live Action staff, although it is slightly higher or lower depending on what part of the country it is.)
  • Total income from abortions: $137,389,500
  • Total health center income: $374,700,000

This means that fully 36.7% of Planned Parenthood health center income comes directly from aborting unborn children.

This is a far cry from the 3% number that they try to dupe the public with.  Doesn’t it say something that even Planned Parenthood, the leading abortion chain in America, tries to downplay their role in ending the lives of unborn children? Someone feeling a little guilty?

So PP’s final score is:

3% of their services are abortions
10% of their patients have abortions (And another 10% are aborted!)
37% of their income is from abortions

Over 200 million dollars a year in private donations

Over 300 million dollars a year in ‘donations’ from us taxpayers

But they only want you to think about the 3%…


  1. Skulander
    March 23rd, 2011 at 19:17 | #1

    How damn cares how many abortions they perform each year. WHEN will people understand that a woman’s body is hers. Not her husband’s. Not a religion. Not God. Not the government. HERS. Her mind. Her body. Her choice. It’s as simple as that. Gosh. Are we still in the Middle Ages when it comes to women’s rights?

    Stop the war on women. Keep abortions legal, safe and accessible. End of story.

  2. OhJulie
    April 8th, 2011 at 22:20 | #2

    @Skulander Try to grasp what pro-lifers believe for just a moment… I’m not asking you to embrace it at all, simply to set aside your learned, instant emotional responses and contemplate this perspective for a moment: That the unborn are living humans with rights, who have no ability to defend those rights.

    Really stop and imagine that “belief” if you will.

    Generally, in society we have rights of our own, but only up to a certain point… for instance, it flies in the face of morality – and laws – to do harm to, or kill, another individual. Once you grasp all of the above, then you can see the pro-life perspective (whether you embrace it or not), that ending such a life is killing – “end of story”.

    Additionally, the mothers make conscious choices that result in that life (unless by rape), so then, who is she to END that life? It’s a question worth pondering, and it’s not that hard to at least understand WHY if you think out of your box for a second. We all have boxes, and looking out of them from time to time is a healthy thing to do.

  3. Brad
    April 11th, 2011 at 18:32 | #3

    Interesting fair discussion. One question is when is a fetus a human? Is a two week old fetus a human with human rights? I’m inclined to say no. Also, as a man I think a woman can make the decision to end life using her own intelligence. It must be a difficult decision. I do not trust government to force women to carry all potential children to term.

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