Home > Abortion, african americans > Alveda King: Abortion exterminating black leaders

Alveda King: Abortion exterminating black leaders

April 5th, 2011

Charlie Butts – OneNewsNow –

Residents of Chicago’s south side are seeing pro-life billboards that are part of the latest metropolitan campaign drawing attention to black genocide.

The 20 billboards — part of a campaign by a media group called Life Always — demonstrate the devastation of abortion on African-Americans. Dr. Alveda King of Priests for Life and King for America tells OneNewsNow that one billboard has a silhouette of President Obama with the words “every 21 minutes our next possible leader is aborted.”

“[And] that is very true,” she reiterates. “The same company had a billboard that said the most dangerous place for an African-American is in the womb. That [also] has been true.

“So abortion hurts women, abortion kills children, and it cripples the community,” she summarizes.

Dr. Alveda King 2According to statistics, about 36 percent of babies who are aborted are African-American. Dr. King, who is the niece of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., says she understands President Obama’s mother considered abortion — thus the use of Obama’s image on one of the billboards.

“And certainly if his mother had aborted him, he would not be the president — so that sign is really true,” says the pro-life activist. “Black leaders are actually being exterminated.”

And that, she concludes, is a sobering thought that ought to wake up African-Americans and the population in general to the reality of abortion and to this message about abortion clinics: “They are not your friend — and so it’s danger to you, mother; it’s danger to the baby who is killed,” says King.

The pro-life billboards have been used effectively in several cities and continue to generate discussion of life vs. abortion.

Found here.

  1. Bob Barnes
    April 6th, 2011 at 05:15 | #1

    But you don’t want single mothers living on welfare of public assistance either. So what’s the plan?

  2. Deb
    April 8th, 2011 at 13:01 | #2


    “But you don’t want single mothers living on welfare of public assistance either. So what’s the plan?”

    Where, in this article, was welfare and public assistance mentioned? How do you know the author’s beliefs on public assistance and those who require it?

    Moreover, are you suggesting that the “plan” is to just kill children who might be born into poverty instead of giving them the chance to live, and possibly become a leader in their community?

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