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10 Hidden Benefits of Having Children

August 7th, 2011


A trend occurred in the early 20th century when many Americans moved away from rural areas and into urban centers. For the first time ever, their children ceased to become economic assets capable of contributing to the family’s prosperity and started to become a financial burden. 

And yet, in spite of this daunting reality, Americans continued to produce offspring at nearly historic rates for the next 50 to 75 years. What was their motivation? Surely it was more than just a desire to accumulate mountains of fingerpaint art.

 We chatted with dozens of parents and poured through mountains of medical research to find the real reasons why Americans continue to reproduce. Come along as we explore the top 10 hidden benefits of having children.

1. Children lower your blood pressure

A recent study conducted at Brigham Young University found that parenthood may actually help lower your blood pressure. Researchers at the school hooked up 200 married men and women to blood pressure monitors for 24 hours and found that couples with children had significantly lower blood-pressure readings than those without offspring.

“While caring for children may include daily hassles, deriving a sense of meaning and purpose from life’s stress has been shown to be associated with better health outcomes,” says Julianne Holt-Lunstad, the lead researcher. “This doesn’t mean the more kids you have, the better your blood pressure. The findings are simply tied to parenthood, no matter the number of children or employment status.”

2. Children entitle you to major tax savings

It used to be the only way you could make money off of your children was by sending them into the coal mines. But now, thanks to the IRS, your children allow you to qualify for some very valuable tax savings — a notable hidden benefit of having children. According to one recently published study, the average family can save $3,500 per year simply by claiming child tax credits, education credits, and child- and dependent-care credits.

“These tax credits shouldn’t spur you to have a child,” says U.S. tax attorney Roni Deutch, “but since the projected cost of raising a child to the age of 18 is just shy of $200,000, parents need all the help they can get.”

3. Children get you better parking

Shopping with children is seldom easy, but there is one enormous perk to taking your rug rat to the mall: better parking. Many shopping centers, grocery stores and factory outlets now have parking spaces reserved especially for families and pregnant women. Not only are these spots conveniently located, but they’re also usually vacant. As an added bonus, you can also drive in the HOV lane on your way to the store since even the smallest newborn legally counts as a full-fledged passenger.

4. Children keep you sane

Contrary to popular belief, children don’t always drive their parents crazy. In fact, researchers at Taiwan’s Mental Health Foundation claim they may even keep their parents sane well beyond their years. The organization recently interviewed 1,084 randomly selected senior citizens and found that seniors with no children scored 6.4 points lower on a mental health questionnaire than elderly subjects with children.

“The results shows that people who have children are happier and have greater satisfaction and emotional well-being than those without children,” says Tom Yang, the study’s lead researcher.

Keep reading.

Categories: Children, Parenting Tags: ,
  1. Leo
    August 18th, 2011 at 09:48 | #1

    All this may be and presumably is true. However, children are also a burden. Sometimes they do drive up your blood pressure and threaten your peace of mind. But in the long run, it is worth it, both for the individuals and for society. Marriage, pregnancy, and children are all both risks and rewards. Those shouldering the burdens and risks can reap the rewards.

  2. John Noe
    August 19th, 2011 at 17:20 | #2

    The state recognizes the benefits of having children also. This is the main reason why the state is in the marriage business. There is a societel interest in having children and having these offspring contribute to our future when we pass away. The offspring replace us when we retire. The offspring pay the entitlement taxes when we get old. Indeed this is how Social Security and Medicare are funded.
    This is why the state grants marriage licenses which are priviledges and not rights. This is why the state grants marriage benefits. To encourage, promote, and endorse bringing in children. The benefits the state grants are incentives to procreate.
    Without this there is no reason for the government to be in the marriage business. The government benefits cannot be justified. Why? Because of this state action the government is giving benefits not available to single people. This means that there is inequality. Singles and married people are not treated equally. But this is justified because we all including singles benefit from marriage. The single people rely on the offspring of the married people to pay the future Social Security and Medicare taxes that we all depend on when we get old.

    Remembet these points the next time you debate a SSM activist.

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