The media and ‘bullying’
by Thomas Sowell
Back in the 1920s, the intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic were loudly protesting the execution of political radicals Sacco and Vanzetti, after what they claimed was an unfair trial. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote to his young leftist friend Harold Laski, pointing out that there were “a thousand-fold worse cases” involving black defendants, “but the world does not worry over them.”
Holmes said: “I cannot but ask myself why this so much greater interest in red than black.”
To put it bluntly, it was a question of whose ox was gored. That is, what groups were in vogue at the moment among the intelligentsia. Blacks clearly were not.
The current media and political crusade against “bullying” in schools seems likewise to be based on what groups are in vogue at the moment. For years, there have been local newspaper stories about black kids in schools in New York and Philadelphia beating up Asian classmates, some beaten so badly as to require medical treatment.
But the national media hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Asian Americans are not in vogue today, just as blacks were not in vogue in the 1920s.
Meanwhile, the media are focused on bullying directed against youngsters who are homosexual. Gays are in vogue.
Most of the stories about the bullying of gays in schools are about words directed against them, not about their suffering the violence that has long been directed against Asian youngsters or about the failure of the authorities to do anything serious to stop black kids from beating up Asian kids.
Where youngsters are victims of violence, whether for being gay or whatever, that is where the authorities need to step in. No decent person wants to see kids hounded, whether by words or deeds, and whether the kids are gay, Asian or whatever.
Keep reading.
Wow, this is just plain sick.
Just read the whole article from Thomas Sowell and he is just brillant as always. I encourage all Ruth Institute supporters to read the whole article.
Remember it was Thomas Sowell who pointed out how homosexuals have taken away one of our most basic and cherished civil rights. The right to make our own moral judgements. When they demand that we approve of their conduct they deprive us of our civil right to make our own moral judgements regarding human behavior.
He also pointed out that the Constitution does not grant equallity of results. Yet when the homos demand equal rights they are demanding a right that no one else has. Just because I have the right to play golf like Tiger Woods does not mean that I have an equal right to the results that he has.
Well, John…spoken like a person whose privilege was gained the EASY way. If you listened to actual gay people, instead of anti gay straight people SPEAKING for gay people, you’d know the truth, AND the typical ignorance wouldn’t shine right through.
As for making your own moral judgements, there is a difference between living your life as YOU want to, and expecting that gay people cannot and using the force of government to coerce that result.
Gay people are wanting nothing more than the same self reliance, self determination and respect for the responsibilities they carry with the rest of us, to result in the same freedoms and rights that responsibility assumes.
NONE of these are taken from you. You don’t have to worry about losing your family, education, professional life or very life, because of being honest about who and what you are.
And no gay person is trying to take that away from you.
” The Constitution does not grant equality of results.”
Oh really?
That a BLACK man would say something like that is the utmost of contradiction and hypocrisy. What Constitution AND Bill of Rights is about the reasonable expectation that such documents PROTECT all citizens from the very abuses being forced into it that only exclude gay people.
Gay people aren’t willing to be abused, nor KEPT from those things all of us take for granted.
If a gay person IS law abiding and going about their lives the way YOU are, then yeah…they should have the same results you do. You didn’t practice and discipline yourself to have those rights, they were granted by your BIRTH.
So don’t try and pretend that it takes practice and skills for gay people to have them, when they weren’t required of you.
Gay people are not exempt from the same taxation, and expectation of being civilly law abiding and responsible.
So their rights and freedoms for being the same should be there also. And they are NOT.
Seriously, sometimes you and Anne use the most ridiculous analogies possible to define gay people, that NEVER apply.
It should be noted that it is the conceited homosexuals who are the only ones demanding that their human conduct be approved. They want a Constitutional right that no one else has. No one can name any other form of human conduct or behavior that can point to another person and say I demand that you approve of my conduct. It does not exist. Comparing human conduct to people of color is dishonest as has been shown time and time again. Once again we are supposed to have a basic civil right where we the people make our own moral judgements on the behaviors of people. Homosexuals want this civil right of others to be taken away and of course they would have a monopoly on this as they would be the only ones entitled to this special right.
The great Martin Luther King said it himself when he said that we could judge other people by their morals and their character. So if that person is engaging in wrongfull sexual conduct and homosexuality is wrongfull behavior then we are free to judge that person. Thomas Sowell the brillant writer understands what MLK stood for.
” The Constitution does not grant equality of results.”
Oh really?
That a BLACK man would say something like that is the utmost of contradiction and hypocrisy. What Constitution AND Bill of Rights is about the reasonable expectation that such documents PROTECT all citizens.
Yes the Constitution protects citizens and people not human conduct. It says that all PEOPLE ARE EQUAL NOT HUMAN CONDUCT!!!!!!!!! So the Constitution does not guarentee equality of results. If that was the case then if another person made more money than someone else than the unequal income would be unconstitutional. But our civil rights laws apply to people and not the equallity of human consequences.
Marriage is a perfect example. Blacks are people so they have an equal right to interracial marriage. Blacks however cannot make up their own rules of marriage and demand equallity. Homosexuals already have equal rights when it comes to marriage. As Anne has pointed out no one checks your sexual conduct when you get a marriage license. Obey the laws like everybody else and you can get married. But the Constitution does not support any person to make up their own rules. You do not have equallity of results and human consequences.
The term “homo” is considered derogatory by just about everyone. If you want me to take you seriously, I suggest you choose less offensive language.
If you do not like my choice of words then I will try and use the full term next time as I was only abbreviating to save on typing words. But it does not change the facts and the truths that I have pointed out in these posts.
These people are demanding an intrepretation of equallity that no other American has. Not content to redefining marriage they also seek to redefine equallity that applies only to them.
Name me any other human behavior or conduct that can claim equallity? Name me any other group of Americans who can just make up their own rules and call it equallity. For example if I wanted to go to the library but it said I had to wear shoes could I claim equallity by demanding that I want to use the library barefoot? Remember we do not want special rights now just equallity. Observe and take note that what these people want is not avialable to any other American.
Finally name me any other group of Americans who get a special interpretation of the Constitution? What the homosexuals demand is an interpretation of the Constitution that only they get while the rest of us Americans can just pound sand and follow the rules like everybody else. And if you are a guy like me who feels that homosexuals should be forced to obide by the same rules and laws as everybody else then you are considered hatefull, bigoted, and of course suffering from a phobia.
I appreciate that. I will extend you the same courtesy.