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Bill would address China’s human rights abuses

November 14th, 2011

by Charlie Butts

A bill working its way through Congress would deal indirectly with forced abortion and sterilization in China.

All Girls AllowedAll Girls Allowed, an organization headed by Chai Ling, has testified in favor of HR 2121 — the “China Democracy Promotion Act of 2011,” which is sponsored by Congressman Chris Smith (R-New Jersey). A spokeswoman for Chai’s group, Tessa Dale, explains that the bill would block anyone involved in forced sterilizations or forced abortions from entering the U.S.

“There are other human rights abuses included in that bill; persecution of the church and other religious groups in China [and] persecuting of political dissidents who speak up,” explains Dale.

Dale says committee members were surprised when Chai submitted a list of names of Chinese participants in the forced-abortion program.

“Giving in on human rights to pursue trade and business, it’s really prospered China and has not helped us,” she says. “As we know, our relationship right now with China — we owe them — and they continue with these crimes, so there were many members of Congress who we did not realize we’re on-board with doing something about this issue.”

The bill would not only block participants in forced abortion from entering the United States, but their family members as well. That means their children could not come to America to benefit from higher education.

Smith’s legislation currently has eight co-sponsors in the House, all Republicans.

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