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Pre-game warm-ups–Prop 8 Trial

December 8th, 2011

Sitting here in the federal court building at the corner of Mission and 7th in Down town SF.  Things are much calmer, both inside and outside the court, compared with other times I’ve been to these hearings.  Only a handful of people were outside at the Pre-Game warm-up Equality rally. They have the same signs they had a year ago, from the looks of it, and fewer people holding them.

Even on the other side, with their home field advantage here in SF, the courtroom is not completely full. For our side, I am seeing some old friends. Bill May of Catholics for the Common Good is here. Carol Hogan, from the California Catholic Conference in Sacramento is here. Andy Pugno, of the Protect Marriage campaign just walked in, along with Mr. Mark Janssen, who is one of the official Proponents.  Also, Ron Prentice from the CA Family Council, and a few others.

On the other side, Rob Reiner is here. I don’t recognize most of the others, except Olsen and Boies of course, and the Plaintiffs.

Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

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