Home > Birth Control, contraception, HHS Contraception Mandate > Notre Dame sues over Obama birth-control mandate

Notre Dame sues over Obama birth-control mandate

May 21st, 2012

Associated Press

SOUTH BEND, IN – The University of Notre Dame is suing Obama administration officials over the mandate requiring most employers to cover birth control.

The school said Monday that the mandate violates religious freedom by requiring many religiously affiliated hospitals, schools and charities to comply. President Barack Obama offered to soften the mandate to accommodate religious groups, but U.S. Roman Catholic bishops say the change doesn’t go far enough.

Other religious colleges are already suing the Health and Human Service agency and administration officials over the mandate. Still, observers had been closely watching for Notre Dame’s next step.

The university is the most prominent Roman Catholic school in the country. Notre Dame came under then unprecedented criticism from U.S. bishops and others in 2009 for inviting Obama as commencement speaker. Obama supports abortion rights.

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