The HHS Mandate’s Threat to Freedom

June 25th, 2012

from Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

My friends at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty shot this video on the HHS mandate when I was there lecturing a few weeks ago. Unlike the Ruth Institute, Acton does not work on the issues concerning the family, marriage and human sexuality. Acton promotes a free and virtuous society, and views a free market constrained by virtue as central to that goal.

Acton is promoting this video because they know that Obamacare is an intrusion into the economy. And with that beachhead established, the government now thinks it can impose its own moral code on the entire society, starting with the Catholic Church. Pregnancy is an illness, not a normal process. Female fertility is a problem to be solved, not a healthy condition of a healthy woman. Helping women means helping them avoid babies, not helping them have and raise babies. And, oh, by the way, choice has nothing to do with it. Conform to the government’s moral vision, or get lost.

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