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Update From France: A Pro-Marriage Revolution!

January 14th, 2013

I write to you from France, where a pro-marriage revolution is underway!

Francois Hollande, the ultra-liberal, socialist President of France swept into power last May, promising — among many other things — a swift passage of same-sex marriage and adoption legislation.

But the people of France had other ideas.

You see, the French people know in their bones that every child deserves a mother and father. And so they’ve taken to the streets — hundreds of thousands of them!

I firmly believe we need more of this kind of flesh-and-blood activism here in America. After all, we know we are the silent pro-marriage majority … but do our friends, family and neighbors know we exist?

I’m a proud son of America, but I believe we need to take a page out of the French playbook so that our fellow pro-marriage Americans can be inspired to rise up and take to the streets in defense of marriage, children and family.

So I went to France this weekend, to see with my own eyes what is happening.

And I have been amazed.

The pro-marriage movement in France is passionate, diverse, uncompromising and inspired. They are also calm, rational and persistent.

This was the biggest pro-marriage demonstration to date. Conservative estimates number the crowds in the hundreds of thousands..

They held signs that read “Une papa, une maman pour TOUS les enfants! — which means “A dad, a mom for ALL children.” Some children held signs that read “Made in papa + maman”: “Made in mom and dad.”

I have been so proud and honored to be part of this new international solidarity movement in defense of marriage, children and family.

I will certainly be reflecting more on this experience on my flight home. And I would ask you to join me in thinking about more creative ways we can proclaim our pro-marriage views with passion and conviction…and in the public square where our fellow Americans can see our fervor and resolution.

I can’t wait to come back to the country I love.

But I am inspired to see that those of us in America who hold the institution of marriage sacred truly have so many friends overseas and around the world.

A new day is dawning for marriage.

Long live the pro-marriage revolution!

In trust,

Brian S BrownBrian S. Brown
National Organization for Marriage
Brian Brown

P.S. Be sure to check out the NOM blog over the next few days for more reports on what is happening in France to protect the sacred institution of marriage!

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