Disappointed, but Not Surprised: Aleteia Experts React to Supreme Court Marriage Rulings
By: Brantly Millegan
Jennifer Morse, founder and president of the Ruth Institute
“And now the Supreme Court tells us to sit down and shut up.
“I do not plan to be silent. The scorched earth tactics of the Sexual Revolutionaries are now taking down democracy itself. This is too high a price to pay for the supposed benefits of sexual ‘freedom.'”
Anthony Esolen, literature professor at Providence College and senior editor for Touchstone
“The decision purports to protect the states against the federal government — a protection very rarely offered in the last century and more; but the aim of DOMA was to protect one state from another, and the very institution of marriage from dilapidation. The people who passed DOMA were concerned that a “marriage” in North Carolina would have to be regarded as such in Virginia, regardless of the understanding of marriage prevailing in that state. It was on such grounds as these that the entry of Utah into the Union was made conditional upon that territory’s rejection of polygamy. For if polygamy is accepted in one state, and if it therefore must be accepted by the federal government for the apportioning of federal benefits, then in effect it becomes legal everywhere, since each state must affirm the contracts made in other states.”