Kansas legislators prepare pro-life ‘heartbeat’ bill
by Charlie Butts
Kansas could become the next state to pass pro-life “heartbeat” legislation.
The bill would ban abortions if a heartbeat can be detected in a preborn baby.
Mark Gietzen of the Kansas Coalition for Life tells OneNewsNow aside from politics there is popular support for the bill in the state:
“The public is so with us on this,” he says. “Extremely high percentages of Republicans, Democrats and Independents are with us on this Heartbeat legislation.”
That’s aside from political and legal issues.
“They see it in simple terms,” says Gietzen. “If a baby’s heart is beating, that’s a human being and that should be protected in law.”
People who identify as “pro-choice,” agree that, after the heart is beating, the child should be protected, he says.
Of course, lawmakers get into the technical aspects of such issues and how a bill might hold up if there is a legal challenge:
“But the one we’re working on in Kansas is the best in the country,” says the pro-life spokesman. “It was written by two of the best legal minds in America.”
That’s a reference to Walter Weber of the American Center for Law and Justice and David Forte of Cleveland State University.
Gietzen believes the bill could pass whether in a special or regular legislative session.
Found here.