Home > egg donation > Eggsploitation Now Updated and Expanded

Eggsploitation Now Updated and Expanded

October 16th, 2013

from the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network

Our award-winning documentary film Eggsploitation has been so successful. Since we first released it, many more women have come forward with their stories of being harmed. The industry stakeholders have pushed back hard on our work, continuing to claim their work is safe and that instances of harm are rare. Lawmakers have been slow to act, if at all.

In this new, updated and expanded version, Alexandra, Sindy, Calla, and Jessica’s stories are joined with those of Kylee, Latoya, and Linda. They also thought they were doing something good to help another only to suffer serious health complications, almost costing them their lives.

To the industry, our policy makers, and people using women as their donors, we ask, “how many women must be harmed?”

For a very limited time we are offering introductory pricing of only $8.50 +S&H. This pricing will not be available for long, so order ASAP.


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