Think Again: Third Party Reproduction Study Guide Now Available
From the CBC:
Film has been an essential part of our work over the past three years. Our 2011 award winning documentary, Eggsploitation, which showcases the stories of women who were seriously harmed selling their eggs has now been screened on over 50 college and university campuses and sold into over 30 countries. Our 2012 follow-up, Anonymous Father’s Day, which features young adult children conceived through anonymous sperm donation has also been widely popular and we’re anticipating even more success with the release of our film on surrogacy, Breeders: A Subclass of Women?, which is scheduled for release later this month.
As we’ve traveled across the world screening these films on university campuses, churches, and even places like Capitol Hill, we’ve had numerous requests for study guide materials to accompany our documentaries and to expand on the issues presented in the films. Today we are pleased to announce the release of our first ever study guide in an effort to meet this demand.
Think Again: A Study Guide on the Legal, Medical, and Ethical Questions of Third Party Reproduction is intended for a wide audience as we aim to meet the needs of high school groups, university students, law groups, church groups, and any other group interested in the issues of third party reproduction. Most importantly, the study guide is available for FREE in order to maximize distribution and use. You can download it here.
In the months ahead, we encourage you to utilize this invaluable resource and let us know how it works. If you have suggestions or feedback, please let us know as well! We plan to update and modify the study guide on a regular basis, so your input is essential to its success. And remember, if you’re interested in screening one of our films on your campus or for your organization, please do not hesitate to let us know!
Christopher White
Director of Education and Programs