Home > Children, Parenting, Sex Education, Teenagers > Poster in middle school includes graphic sexual references

Poster in middle school includes graphic sexual references

February 11th, 2014

Bob Kellogg   (OneNewsNow.com) Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The father of a 13-year-old girl in Kansas is challenging a middle school for putting up a poster titled “How Do People Express Their Sexual Feelings?”

Some of the terms on the poster, posted on a Grove Middle School classroom door, are innocent enough: kissing, hugging, talking. But others are too graphic to even mention. Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute is representing Mark Ellis, the father.

Dacus, Brad (PJI)“The sad thing is that instead of the school district apologizing and saying, ‘It was a terrible mistake. This is awful. This is something we don’t agree with,’ instead the parent was told that this is a part of the new national curriculum that aligns with national standards and can be used by the rest of the school district as well and other school districts across the country,” Dacus tells OneNewsNow.

Dacus says Ellis is requesting that he be able to review the materials used in the sex education instruction.

“Unfortunately many school districts don’t anticipate parents to either care what is going on or to have the conviction to step up and push back and complain about what is going on,” he adds.

School Superintendent Dr. Jim Hinson told Ellis and other upset parents that the poster and curriculum are under review.

– See more at: http://onenewsnow.com/education/2014/02/11/poster-in-middle-school-includes-graphic-sexual-references#.UvqKBNhnjuU

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