This Year Is Off To A Blazing Fast Start

February 21st, 2014

Good stuff from our friend Jennifer Lahl at the Center for Bioethics and Culture:

In just a month and a half we’ve released a new film (now available for online streaming) as well as a Third Party Reproduction Study Guide to accompany and complement Eggsploitation, Anonymous Father’s Day, and Breeders; I’ve been to New York, Washington, Kansas City, and Topeka; our Paul Ramsey Institute met in San Francisco for a weekend of discussion with Gilbert Meilaender and Bill Hurlbut; I’ve been interviewed by National Review Online, National Catholic Register,, and more.

We’re now busy scheduling screenings of Breeders (coming soon to Irvine, CA; Washington, DC; Livermore, CA; New York, NY) and in the midst of all the preparation for The Eleventh Annual Paul Ramsey Award Dinner, where we will be honoring Daniel Sulmasy, MD, PhD, the 2014 Paul Ramsey Award Recipient. I hope you will be able to join us.

Below are highlights of some of the great material that has been posted on our websites in the past few weeks. To keep up with all that’s going on with the Center for Bioethics and Culture, as it’s happening, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and We have a tiger by the tail! Thank you for partnering with us.

— Jennifer Lahl

Thank You

by Matthew Eppinette, CBC Executive Director

Right after we released Breeders, we launched a Kickstarter fundraising project so that we could send the film to as many film festivals as possible. Film festivals are extremely important in the world of independent film making because that is how we’ll get our film noticed and have the widest possible impact (especially if we’re able to win some awards). Every festival has submission/entry fees, and many require that we mail multiple DVDs (although more and more allow us to submit digital files online)…

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My Predictions in Bioethics Right Again!

by Wesley J. Smith, J.D., Special Consultant to the CBC

Can you believe a year has come and gone since I last told you what would happen, before it happened, in bioethics? Maybe it’s my increasing age, but time is passing too fast!

So, how did I do? Not as well as in years past, but still an A-. Let’s take a look…

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New Endorsement for Breeders

by Matthew Eppinette, CBC Executive Director

From the idealized view of surrogacy as an altruistic choice to satisfy an infertile couple’s longing for a child, Breeders moves through the too-often unexamined and disturbing reality of surrogacy. The film takes a compassionate look at the emotional and physical impact on the surrogate, but also, importantly, on the child. Breeders is an important new contribution to the dialogue about this unregulated and expanding practice.
Patricia Ireland, President of the National Organization for Women (NOW), 1991 – 2001, Author of What Women Want

Get Ready for a Busy 2014 in Bioethics

by Wesley J. Smith, J.D., Special Consultant to the CBC

My taskmasters at the CBC never allow me to rest on my laurels. Fresh off several years of stellar prognosticating, I am now forced to answer the question: “But what have you predicted, lately?”

Okay, let’s take a look. Oh! Oh my. Please remember, the following predictions are what I see happening. They do not reflect what I want to happen…

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Her: A Cautionary Tale

by Christopher White, CBC Director of Education and Programs

Spike Jonze’s film Her, currently out in theaters and an Academy Award nominee for Best Picture, is a cautionary tale of the future that awaits us if we continue to hail technology as our savior…

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