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Women Speak for Themselves

February 21st, 2014

from Helen Alvare

With the Supreme Court arguments over the Mandate quickly approaching (March 25) we have the opportunity to continue speaking out, and gaining public attention. To help enable that, here is a fact sheet I have promised you.  It’s the first of two I’ll send. This one is a list of “themes” and supporting sources, you can use to criticize the Mandate.  You could even copy it and pass it out wherever you can too!
I encourage you to write letters to the editor, Facebook postings, etc highlighting our arguments in this case. Here is a great example from WSFT signer, Holly Dugan. Holly takes one of my favorite approaches to the issue: she clears up people’s confused idea that we’re trying to force religious beliefs onto others, and shows that we’re simply asking  for the chance to witness to our faith ourselves!
Second, as we get near the SCOTUS arguments, I’d like to draw attention to some of the wonderful stories of many of you. I’d also like to invite more women to join us. I am in need of stories from YOU. In short, what we want the stories to show is that women carry their children, they want to carry their children, and along the way, religious groups and individuals are some of the best supporters of these goals. So, if you have a personal story about the following that you’d be willing to share publicly, along with your picture, can you send it to me at
  • A personal story on why more contraception is not the answer for a woman who is at risk for unplanned pregnancy. Perhaps explaining why you/she needs more help in her pursuit of marriage and stability. Or how it lured you/her into a life she did not especially want.
  • Stories of conversion from being for abortion to for life
  • Stories on the role of religion in a woman’s life–like how a woman came to understand religion was an equalizer for women and me, or how a religious charity provided for a woman in a time of need…laying out clearly what is at stake if these are pushed out.
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