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The modern hospital and its waste products

April 2nd, 2014
Aborted and miscarried babies are burnt with clinical detritus to heat hospitals, but why do we care?


The revelation that British hospitals have been burning thousands of aborted and miscarried babies as clinical waste and in some cases to heat the hospitals has caused official consternation, but it is hardly surprising.

If medical professionals are permitted – no, expected – to dismember (amongst other things) the bodies of living babies when carrying out abortions, is it any wonder that they lack respect for those same babies’ dead bodies or for the bodies of miscarried babies at the same stage of development?

When the terms “clump of cells”, “product of conception” and “blob of tissue” are routinely used to describe and dehumanise the unborn child, what kind of dignified send-off can we really expect?

If as a society we accept the behaviour and attitude of medical professionals when it comes to abortion then why, as stated by the UK Minister of Health Dr Dan Poulter, is their offhand disposal of foetal remains “totally unacceptable”?

The gross lack of respect is nothing new. In the United States there are frequently stories about aborted babies being found in dumpsters outside abortion clinics, and last year the trial of the Philadelphia abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell revealed his clinic to be a real life “house of horrors” where foetal remains were found stored in bags and cat food containers, their severed feet preserved in glass jars, and the body of a 19 week foetus stored in a freezer.

But if it is ethically and legally acceptable for babies to be killed in the womb, why should anyone, let alone a government minister, be shocked when foetal remains are “cremated” with hospital waste? Yet, this contradictory attitude is prevalent in our society.

In 2011, 32-week-old twins were both aborted after staff at an Australian hospital initially killed the healthy twin by accident and, after realising their mistake, also aborted the sick twin who had a congenital heart defect. The hospital apologised for the “terrible tragedy”.

In 2012 a New Zealand judge sent a pregnant alcoholic on her eighth drink-driving conviction to prison to protect her unborn child.

Keep reading.

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