Nabisco: Sex discrimination is ‘wholesome’
Scientists agree that breastfeeding is best for infants. Breastmilk is considered so important and nutritious, that hospitals now offer lactation consultants on site to birthing mothers to offer advice and support to moms.
Although infant formula makers work hard to make their product as nutritious as possible, how can powdered formula beat Mother Nature? (Spoiler alert: it can’t.)
“While the food aspects of milk to some extent are replicated in formula, the immuno factors and medicine of milk are not and the hormonal signals are not,” says evolutionary biologist Katie Hinde at Harvard University. In fact, a new study revealed another startling difference between formula and breastmilk. Researchers have discovered that the bodies of nursing mothers automatically adjust their milk content depending on the sex of their baby. Hinde reported, “Mothers are producing different biological recipes for sons and daughters.” The biologist co-authored a study that documents “baby boys often get milk that is richer in fat or protein — and thus energy — while baby girls often get more milk.” Good luck, scientists, trying to match the genius of a woman’s body.
Milk and cookies
What does breastmilk have to do with Nabisco? The company famous for Oreos (“Milk’s favorite cookie”) recently launched an ad called “This is Wholesome” to promote its Honey Maid graham crackers and gender-exclusive families. See, some guys have tried to improve upon women–by excluding them from the family and replacing them with another guy.
The ad opens with a close-up of an infant drinking from a bottle (even though science confirms breast is best!) Then the camera pulls back to reveal the man holding the bottle, followed shortly by another guy who comes and kisses the baby’s forehead.
The commercial continues with clips of other families, including gender-integrated and racially diverse ones. The voiceover intones: “No matter how things change, what makes us wholesome never will. Honey Maid. Everyday wholesome snacks. For every wholesome family.”
Audiences had mixed reactions to the male family featured in the ad. Some viewers sent notes complaining about the presumably gay couple. One Million Moms wrote:
“There is concern about the way this ad is pushing the LGBT agenda, but an even greater concern is the way that they are changing the meaning of the word ‘wholesome.’ This is truly sad. If this is what Honey Maid thinks is wholesome, then my family will no longer purchase Honey Maid or Nabisco products.”
Meanwhile, same sex marriage enthusiasts sent ten times as many messages thanking Nabisco. The company compiled the comments, hired two artists, and created a new commercial, in which they rolled up the mail to spell out the word
Although both sides of the marriage debate often focus on whether or not homosexuality is wholesome, here’s the more pertinent question we need to examine: Is sex discrimination wholesome?
Should discrimination against women be fostered and legalized in male marriage? Where is that baby’s mother in the opening scene? And why is she excluded from this family and from her baby’s life? And why does Nabisco think kicking women out of children’s lives is “wholesome”?
Is Nabisco telling us: breastfeeding is best except when your dad is not oriented toward women so he bans your mom from your family because she’s female and has breasts. That produce breastmilk. Which is better than manmade formula. But, whatever.
Why is it forbidden for everyone else to discriminate based on sex, but when gays do it, it’s called the New Civil Rights Movement?