Home > Birth Control, Teenagers > Clinic to kids: ‘Sex is fun … we’re here to help’

Clinic to kids: ‘Sex is fun … we’re here to help’

May 26th, 2014

by Charlie Butts

A federally funded children’s hospital in Colorado is providing underage children free birth control, the “morning-after” pill, and even intrauterine devices – and under the law, parents don’t have to know about it.

Bob Enyart of Colorado Right to Life tells OneNewsNow the situation is really out of control. “Children’s Hospital Colorado [through a clinic in Colorado Springs] is giving medical treatment to children as young as 12 years of age – and that includes an abortifacient pill called Plan B, the morning-after pill,” he details. He adds the treatment includes providing the girls IUDs if they walk into the BC4U clinic.

The clinic, which receives federal funds, also provides free birth-control for ages 12 to 24 but don’t bother to make contact with parents for the younger ones. Under Colorado law, minors have the option to tell their parents.

“It’s all free and totally on your terms,” says the hospital website dedicated to these birth-control services. “Sex is fun. But it’s also not something to mess around with. If you’re having sex, or planning on it, we are here to help.”

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