Home > Planned Parenthood, Sexually Transmitted Diseases > Culture Hide AIDS from sex partner? It’s your right, says Planned Parenthood

Culture Hide AIDS from sex partner? It’s your right, says Planned Parenthood

May 26th, 2014

by Charlie Butts

Planned Parenthood seems to be OK with AIDS patients spreading the disease while others committing criminal acts would be prosecuted.

A Planned Parenthood brochure directed at young people living with HIV/Aids suggests they have the right to determine if and when they tell partners they are infected.

Paul Rondeau, executive director of American Life League, alleges that Planned Parenthood would allow people to die rather than tell an infected person to do the “ethical thing” and keep a sex partner from contracting the disease.

The brochure aimed at young people, called “Happy, Healthy, and Hot,” suggests young people have the right to decide “if, when and how to disclose their HIV status,” a story at Townhall.com reports.

Laws that require an HIV-positive person to disclose their status to a sex partner are called a “violation of rights” in the brochure, the story notes.

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