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Only 3 more days of Dr J’s Challenge to Improve your marriage

July 10th, 2014

Remove all forms of sarcasm from your vocabulary.  “Sarcasm” comes from a Greek word meaning to tear flesh like dogs. There is

Your guide to a happier marriage. Start now with Tip #39 and Dr J's challenge.

Your guide to a happier marriage. Start now with Tip #39 and Dr J’s challenge.

never a good time to tear your spouse’s flesh.  So take my one week challenge and live without sarcasm until Sunday.

Yes, if you started late, I will still allow you to participate in my One Week Challenge. Just eliminate sarcasm from your life on Friday and Saturday. On Sunday, send me an email to telling me you took the challenge. I will send you a Free Prize!

BTW, this is Tip # 39 from our book, “101 tips for a happier marriage.”  You can get your copy at the Ruth Store. Or, join Dr J’s challenge and get a free prize. Or both!

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