Home > Uncategorized > SIGN THE RUTH PETITION…


October 15th, 2014


October 8, 2014
The Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz
Archbishop of Louisville, Kentucky

Your Excellency,
Please consider the attached petition during the deliberations of the Synod on the Family. We are 1,700 individuals from across the United States and around the world. We come from diverse theological perspectives: we are Catholics, Protestants of many denominations, Latter Day Saints, Jews, and people of no faith at all. We are united in our appreciation of the Roman Catholic Church for its clarity about the great moral issues of our time.
We have no particular proposals to suggest. We only ask that the Synod Fathers remember the Victims of the Sexual Revolution. Whatever you decide to do, please, remember the millions of people who have been harmed by NOT following Catholic teaching.
We affirm: The ancient teaching of the Church has been right all along.

Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.
Founder and President,
The Ruth Institute
San Marcos, California, USA

PS: The bulk of the signatures were gathered at this site on-line: https://actright.com/petitions.php/56

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