Home > 7 Steps to Sexual Peace > Seven Steps to Sexual Peace

Seven Steps to Sexual Peace

October 24th, 2014

7-steps-BookStoreArt_1_largeThe Seven Steps to S*xual Peace manual for healing is the fruit of many discussions over the course of many years with many people on all sides of the marriage debates. Whether you have been a victim of the S*xual Revolution or an active participant, or whether you have been watching on the sidelines as your loved ones suffer, the Seven Steps to S*xual Peace program has the capacity to change your life.” ~Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Many of us come with baggage these days. There’s no need to let it define you or weigh you down. In fact, you can overcome your past weaknesses completely, finding forgiveness and peace along the way. Allow Dr. Morse to help you with this handy manual for healing for only $10.

Get a copy of The Seven Steps to S*xual Peace for yourself and those you love, and begin your journey today.

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