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What we accomplished this year

December 23rd, 2014

What the Ruth Institute is most proud of and thankful for this year is the accomplishments of our “It Takes a Family to Raise a Village” (ITAF) leadership conference graduates. We have several we’d like to feature for you today. Check out what these students, emboldened by their experience with the Ruth Institute, have gone on to accomplish on their campuses.

Judy Romea, ITAF 2010, led the Stanford University Anscombe Society in its battle for the right to even discuss man/woman marriage on campus. In this interview, she mentions her experience with the Ruth Institute. She and Michael Bradley (see below), were both on EWTN’s discussing their campus struggles. [Image on left]

Aurora Griffin, ITAF 2012, leader of the Catholic Student Association at Harvard, led the charge against the group threatening to hold a “Black Mass” on Harvard’s campus. The Black Mass was ultimately canceled. Here is an interview of Aurora on CNN, and another on .

Michael Bradley, ITAF 2013, founder of the Students for Child-Oriented Policies, fought to get his pro-child, pro-marriage club recognized at Notre Dame. he is on ChurchMilitantTV talking about the initial rejection of SCOP. See also this article, “Notre Dame Denies Recognition for Group Promoting Catholic Teaching on Marriage.”

These articles on the Notre Dame situation, one from NCRegister and one from FoxNews, quote Tim Bradley, Michael’s brother, who is also an ITAF ’13 graduate.

Your support allowed us to provide these students with the tools and inspiration they needed to accomplish this work. We are so proud of them and so grateful to you for your ! With your continued , we can aid and inspire more young adults to push back against the negative effects of the Sexual Revolution!

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