Quick update as we head into SCOTUS
from Helen Alvare
Federal Judge Calls Obamacare “Totally Ineffective” While Striking Down Contraception Mandate
by Conn Carroll
Yesterday, Judge Brian Cogan of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York, not only struck down Obamacare’s contraception mandate as applied to religious non-profit organizations, but also sent a strong signal that federal courts were losing patience with President Obama’s many stitches of executive power. Read more…
HHS mandate, the other Obamacare problem
The general public and the media are finally dealing with the reality of Obamacare. Great numbers of Americans have a nearly two year jump on that process.
To recap what many people probably forgot, the infamous HHS mandate was announced in January 2012, a throwdown to faith based institutions and employers requiring them to either violate their consciences or pay a prohibitive penalty. It signaled the government’s disregard for Constitutional and federal law protecting religious freedom rights. And it triggered an almost immediate response of legal challenges to the administrations’ audacious breach of those rights. Read more…
Married Couple Considers Divorce to Save Money on Obamacare
Nona Willis-Aronoqitz, 29, and Aaron Cassara, 32, are full-time freelancers and earn more than $62,000 a year, which means they do not qualify for the subsidies under Obamacare. The couple realized, however, they would be able to afford the plans if they divorce. Read more…
United States Appeals Hobby Lobby Decision to Supreme Court
Washington, D.C. — The United States government asked the U.S. Supreme Court to take the Hobby Lobby case to determine whether the Green family will be required to provide and pay for life-terminating drugs and devices in violation of their religious beliefs. The government’s appeal makes it highly likely that the Supreme Court will decide the issue in the upcoming term. Read more…
Abortion Free Healthcare
Are you directly paying for abortion or abortion-inducing drugs? Under Obamacare, the answer is probably yes, unless you are very, very careful.
As you may know, this Tuesday, October 1st, will be the first day that Americans can sign up for Obamacare. However, you may not know that with Obamacare our tax-payer dollars, money from you and I, will be paying for abortions. Obamacare has a drawn a line in healthcare, and it is a line that we cannot cross. Read more…
Pro-life researcher discloses how ObamaCare funds abortions
by Charlie Butts
ObamaCare will subsidize abortion, according to an expert who has done the research.
The multi-state plans run by the federal government will provide at least two that will be available in every state for purchase by most residents of the country. Chuck Donovan of the pro-life Charlotte Lozier Institute tells OneNewsNow the plans will be on the federal web site menu. But it’s required by law that one of the plans must exclude abortion funding. Read more…
California Considers Mandated Insurance for ‘Gay Infertility’
Health Costs Will Never Be Contained
When antidiscrimination law meets infertility treatment mandates.
Apr 15, 2013, Vol. 18, No. 29 • By WESLEY J. SMITH
Should health insurers be legally required to offer infertility treatment for gay couples? Yes, according to a bill (AB 460) filed in the California legislature by assemblyman Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco). In fact, refusing to do so should be a crime. Read more…