Married Rugby Buddies and the Point of Marriage
Did you hear about the two young guys in New Zealand who got married to enter a contest to win rugby tickets? I wrote about them the other day. The contest was open to married couples. The two guys are not gay, but have been buddies since they were 6 years old. They got married to be eligible to enter the contest.
Now some gay activists were indignant about this marriage. They claimed that it trivialized marriage itself and made a mockery of the efforts of gay activists to win marriage equality. I agree with them, except for this point: removing the gender requirement already trivialized
But I will not press that point here. I want to ask a different question.
Q: Do you or I care whether these two rugby buddies stay married for a lifetime or divorce next year? Does the public have any interest whatsoever in the success or failure of this particular friendship?
A: The public has no conceivable interest in what two men do together. Whether they are rugby buddies or golfing buddies or sodomy partners, the public couldn’t care less. (As a matter of fact, I don’t really want to know!)
Why then, does the public have any interest at all in the relationship called marriage? Read more…