
Posts Tagged ‘IRS’

IRS Morality: Defend Planned Parenthood, Deluge Adoptive Families with Audits

May 29th, 2013 Comments off

On the one hand, Congress is once again introducing the “Every Child Deserves a Family Act”, designed to promote same-sex adoptions.  On the other hand, if you actually try to provide a child with a family, you have a 69% chance of being audited by the IRS.

By  David French

Earlier this week, in a feeble attempt at humor on Facebook, I posted: “If you haven’t been audited by the IRS during the Obama administration, can you even call yourself a conservative?” Given the scale of the abuses, I should probably just shorten it and say, “Only RINOs don’t get audited.” My wife and I got audited in 2011, with the IRS examining every inch of our adoption the previous year. The process was painful, but we got through it, and our refund may have been adjusted by a few dollars (the amount of the adjustment was so small, I don’t actually remember). In other words, the audit was a gigantic waste of time — for the IRS and for our family. A Facebook commenter, however, pointed me to a report that made me rethink the experience. Read more…

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