
Posts Tagged ‘one-child policy’

US Congress Condemns Two-Child Policy in Burma

May 19th, 2014 Comments off

WASHINGTON DC: Population Research Institute commends the U.S. Congress for condemning the two-child policy inflicted upon the Rohingya in Burma.

The Rohingya are a persecuted minority in northern Burma who are denied citizenship, are terrorized by pervasive mob violence, and who are, alone among the peoples of Burma, subjected to a two-child policy. Read more…

Millions of “Leftover Women” in China

May 13th, 2014 Comments off

by Marcus Roberts

A while ago on Demography is Destiny, we discussed the shortage of young women in China (due mainly to sex selective abortions exacerbated by the one-child policy) and the paradoxical phenomenon of “shengnu” (leftover women): young women who can’t find a husband. In that blogpost we explained this as due to women wanting to find husbands who were higher than them on the financial, educational, and social status ladders. As women in China upskill and become better educated and have better employment prospects, the chance of a woman finding a husband higher than her on these ladders decreases. Read more…

Chinese Government Publicly Threatens Birth-Violators

April 22nd, 2014 Comments off

China-expert releases photos of propaganda menacing violators of China’s one-child policy

WASHINGTON DC: Population Research Institute released photos of official Chinese signs and banners threatening those who dissent from the government’s one-child policy with forced abortions and sterilizations. Read more…

Categories: Babies, Children Tags: ,

Why Won’t Michelle Obama Defend Chinese Women?

March 20th, 2014 Comments off

by Anne Morse, Population Research Institute

First Lady Should Condemn China’s “War on Women”—But Will She?

When Michelle Obama arrives in Beijing today with her two daughters, Sasha and Malia, she will be the envy of Chinese women. She has what almost none of them have. Not only does she have two children—most urban Chinese are limited to one—but she has two daughters. Read more…

We know China has a one-child policy

March 17th, 2014 Comments off

Who believes media accounts that the Chinese government has eased it?

For the past two years in particular, in American politics, we’ve heard a lot of allegations about certain parties carrying out a ‘war on women’ and it’s becoming a campaign slogan. That’s dishonest, disingenuous, and distracting from the real and very terrible war on women being carried out by the Communist Chinese government. Read more…

Categories: Babies Tags: ,

Why the baby kidnapper shouldn’t die

January 15th, 2014 Comments off

by Anne Roback Morse

An obstetrician in the Shaanxi province of China was sentenced to death for child trafficking this week. The 55 year old woman repeatedly told her patients that their new born infant was either deformed or sick. She persuaded the new parents to give up their children for adoption. Instead of adoption, however, the infants were sold to human traffickers for profit.  Doctor Zhang Shuxia pleaded guilty to selling seven children, but she remains the prime suspect in over 20 cases of missing children in the province. Five other employees at the hospital were arrested as accomplices. This recent case of Doctor Shuxia is a result of the two great disasters caused by China’s birth control policy: the moral and the demographic. Read more…

China to ease 1-child policy, abolish labor camps

November 16th, 2013 Comments off

BEIJING (November 15, 2013) – China will loosen family planning rules that limit many couples to a single child in the first substantial change to the unpopular policy in nearly three decades, as leaders seek to address a rapidly aging population. Read more…

Living With Dead Hearts

September 30th, 2013 Comments off
China’s kidnapped children, and what one father learned from his search.

chinese couple

As a father of four young children it was not easy for me to watch the new documentary, Living with Dead Hearts: the Search for China’s Kidnapped Children.

Having said that, the film went in directions that I hadn’t expected, and I think it is much the better for it. I had assumed it was simply going to present a litany of tragic child kidnapping cases along with a few “expert” comments sprinkled throughout. Wrong. Not only does the film take us to meet the parents of missing children, it also gives us a lengthy interview with a man who himself had been kidnapped and sold as a child. Read more…

Categories: Children Tags: ,

Group appeals to U.N. to halt one-child policy in China

August 9th, 2013 Comments off

by Charlie Butts

The United Nations is being asked to take action against family-planning policies in China that harm women and children.

A formal complaint has been lodged with the UN body that deals with women’s rights by Reggie Littlejohn of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.

The complaint lists many violent incidents related to enforcement of the one-child policy, as well as abortions performed on the basis of gender. Read more…

Chinese adults legally required to provide emotional support for elderly parents

July 11th, 2013 Comments off

by Tamara Rajakariar

In recent weeks there have been wording changes implemented in Chinese law – for the purpose of strongly “urging” adult children to visit and keep in touch with their elderly parents at the risk of being sued. With an increasingly aging population plus dramatically lower replacement rates, it’s really no surprise that such measures are necessary. In other words, the government are now applying strategies to deal with the consequences of their one-child policy. Read more…